HACS installed via script, but not vissible in addons/integrations list

Hi guys,

i have an issue, that hacs is not visible in addons/integrations.
I was able to install it via SSH, and files with all the folders structure are there.
Tried restart both: HA os and Raspberry itself. Nothing helped. Tried couple of browsers (for sure cleared caches), but still nothing.

Running on Raspberry Pi 4b, HA OS 7.1.
Tried on Virtual machine as well.
Tried with older versions, still the same…

Any ideas what else could I try? :frowning:

Without hacs I do not see any further possibilities using HA at all.

Thank you in advance.

Hacs should be listed in the shortcut panel on the left

It’s not, unfortunately :frowning:

Show a screenshot of your file structure and the content your log

Here they are:

OMG, i think i just made it work, once I saw logs… I’ve spent that much time on this, and finally…

So happy! :slight_smile:

Maybe this will help for others too.

The proper way, nowadays, is to add the HACS from the UI, like any other