HACS not showing up under integrations

Hi speedstar0610. Did you resolve the problem since I have the identical problem? The file structure is in the correct place, I have cleared my browser cache, but HACS not in the addon list.

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I got the same issue: HACS not in the integrations list.
Note that I’m used to having HACS installed for a while, but I updated HA and is started not to start. :stuck_out_tongue:

I removed the integration ; restarted the server and the computer several times ; cleared too many times the various browsers’ cache… Nothing available.

I reinstalled HACS : hacs folder right in custome_components one, all files up-to-date…

No. Can’t get it working : never displayed in the integration list.

Fun fact: I have the HA app installed on a smartphone and this one, despite HACS is not in the integrations, still displays the HACS cards in my Lovelace! (when on other devices/browsers I only have red blocks of error texts)…


So, after a while, I take a careful look into my custom_components folder and detected it was all messed up. I cleared it, reset the hacs files in the correct folder (i.e. /hacs) and after a several hard-reload of my browser page: the integration is back.

Waouh. Hope that helps anyone.

Here same problem.
clean install of the latest version 2021.12.10, and all files are on the right place.
After reboot and several hard refresh still nog sign of hacs in the integration list.
If somebody has an idea?

Same here HACS has gone from the add on list, think I need to install it manually now, after upgrading my hardware, and doing a full new install. Hope i can distill all the steps needed to get HACS up and running via the forum.

This is the way!

The file editor does not allow uploading an entire folder only a file. How do I upload a whole folder? thanks

Same here no HACS

Cannot figure out how to upload folders with file editor thanks