Hadashboard V2 Competition

its just something i tried during pre beta.
in a skin you can set your own background.
and you can set the widget background for each widget, or you can set it for all widgets in the skin.
background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4)
is the background for the last one.

do we have something for the css … i mean like a table to watch what is possible? or is there really css skills needed ?

in the assets/css dir you find the skins.
it contains a css file and a variables file.
in both you can modify a skin.

modifying the variables doest ask a lot of css skill.
some example parts from it:

switch_icon_on: fa-circle
switch_icon_off: fa-circle-thin
switch_icon_style_active: $style_active
switch_icon_style_inactive: $style_inactive
switch_title_style: $style_title
switch_title2_style: $style_title2
switch_widget_style: $background_style
switch_state_text_style: "color: $white"

the parts with a $ sign are variables that are set earlier in the file, like:

background_style: "background-color: #444"
style_title: "color: $white"
style_title2: "color: $white"
white: "#fff"

even with basic css knowledge you can go a long way.


I am total newbee when it comes to css…

Your third skin is just awesome … Can you please share the skin for newbees like us …

Thanks in advance …

ill have to recreate it, but ill see what i can do.

i decided not to recreate the skin, but to tell you how you can make it yourself.

  • first in your appdaemon basedirectory find the directory appdaemon/assets/css
  • copy the directory default and give it the name you want your new skin to have
  • in the new made directory create a directory with the name img
  • find any jpg file you like as your background (google?) and copy it to the img directory
  • in your skin directory find the file named.variables.yaml
  • change the line
background_style: "background-color: #444"


background_style: "background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.4)"

this set the background from your widget to color rgb 0,0,0 which is black. the last figure is how transparant you want the background to be.

  • find the file dashboard.css in your skin directory
  • find the line body {
  • create a new line beneath it like
  background-image: url(/css/your_skin_dir/img/your_background_file.jpg);

and your skin is ready.
mayby you would like to lose the rounded corners?
then find the lines:

  -webkit-border-radius: 10px;
  -moz-border-radius: 10px;
  border-radius: 10px;}

and replace them with a single }

my background i found here:

but you can find many more searching in google for dark background
this site also has some nice ones:

so be creative and show me the result :wink:

allthough this is working, the preffered way is creating a directory custom_css in the conf dir and copying the default directory to that directory.
the line that points to the pic then becomes:

background-image: url(/custom_css/your_skin_dir/img/your_background_file.jpg);

Here is a screenshot of another I have been working on and a little bit different than the “clear_sky” skin I posted in the beta forum.


@ReneTode thanks for the background links!

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AWESOME!!! I need to reproduce this!!! WOW!

Indeed! Best seen so far!!

I really have to dive into it :stuck_out_tongue:

@Tyfoon @thundergreen Thanks!! I will update it to beta2 and get it posted up on github. Will let you know when I’ve got it out there.

I followed your short tutorial but it just wont change the skin :frowning:

should be url(/custom_css/skin_dir …)

body {
  background-image: url(/custom_css/dark-forest/img/dark-forest.jpg);
  margin: 0;
  background-color: #222;
  font-size: 15px;
  color: #fff;
  padding: 0;
  line-height: 1;
  font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Open Sans', 'Arial'

like this ?

nothing of this works… will there be new skins soon? i dont know how to do this … it is not that easy as promised :stuck_out_tongue:

just wanna use the example daasbard with my entites und background wallpapaer


body {
background: #222 url(/custom_css/dark-forest/img/dark-forest.jpg) no-repeat 50% 0 fixed;
background-size: cover;
margin: 0;
font-size: 15px;
color: #fff;
padding: 0;
font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', 'Helvetica', 'Open Sans', 'Arial'

Here is the latest:

Please be sure to read the readme file for some important info!




 WARNING Skin 'dark_flower' does not exist