Hadashboard V2 Competition

I’ll push my setup in 30 minutes


You have to register to see my Repo. It’s provate as I had issues with spamming registrations on my server. If you ant to register, please PM me and I’ll create an account for you.

Hi people.Dunno why but I get spam registration on my gitea instance. I will disable registration from now on and register new users manualy if wanted. Sorry for this

I am currently using CommandFusion iViewer as display/user interface.
Since it is not fully integrated with HA, sometimes is has some issues in the handshake (e.g. request to turn on light comes from another source, then the displayed information is not up to date)
I tried with a timer requesting every x sec to update the status - but then there is so much traffic that it just crashes both applications.
I would like to move to HAdashboard - but really would like to keep the user interface as it is now - since I really like it.
Would HAdashboard be possible to do something as attached picture?

that s possible, but the menu would give you quite some work with HAdashboard at this moment.
it wouldnt be 100% identical, but close.

Generallyeally it’s a pity that hadashboard doesn’t ship some easier way to create nice css without modifying the code source

modifying the code source?
where do you need that?

you can change almost any css without changing anything in dashboard.
in the widget definition or in a skin.

Sorry my fault didn’t wanna say really source code but css file which belongs to the source code for me .

most things can be done in widget definition.
the css file from the skin (and the yaml file) (which are user files and not source file :wink: ) are there to set general settings, when you want to change for example ALL switches and not just 1

how would you think it would be easier?

Gui would be of course the best but I know that we are a way far from this . Please don’t get me wrong and it’s certainly not fair to say this as I am not a programmer at all but a dashboard would be more user friendly with a framework of widgets and a gui to adapt and fine tune like with firm color behavior etc.

yeah, you could think of it as more userfriendly, but it would also mean restricting choices.
its impossible to get all the freedom we have now and also with a gui to chose the options.

a widget now can look 100.000 different ways, with a gui it would get restricted to 10 or 20.
its impossible to create a gui that can give you the options to let a dashboard look like all these ways:

so there would be no option that it would look anywhere near to what YOU want.
your dashboards look like they do, because there is that freedom.

From a prgrammer perspective I totally agree with you :slight_smile: For non programmers it is HUGE of choices and hard to “filter” But anyway… I love your Dashboard and I will use it :slight_smile:

I will have to really learn css or try and error till i got my result i want :stuck_out_tongue:

its still the dashboard from @aimc :wink:
im just his sidekick.

but when AD 4 is released we will work on dashboard again, and i have a ton of changes in mind that will add more userfriendlyness and even more options

it will be easier to chose actions on a widget
widgets will have the possibility for more actions (1 widget that has a click function and also longpress for example)
so you can have a sensor that can navigate, and probably even based on state
so you can have a switch that does 1 action when its on, and another when its off.

just some examples of things i have been thinking of.
actions will probably be sharable javascript files, so other can create new actions.

but indeed css is important. but only for those who want to get away from default widgets and default skins.

You can play with the Lovelace too, the result is a fast and flexible dashboard.

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you would need to program at least the same amount of css to get to a result like that :wink:
and try to design something like the dashboards i showed and you will find that you will have a hard time doing that in lovelace.

How did you reduce the top Ribbon size? mine is too thick and takes too much space.

I use the custom compact header.

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I just use the custom components, like the button card, layout card, card modder. I have used the Appdaemon and it is just a test so far.

Got it, Thank you

Appreciate if you can share them.