HADashboard v2 Fan Mode

if you would want to have a spinning fan, need to set for which mode the active icon shows.
that can be done for 1 mode only

so like:

mode: "HIGH"

in that case it will spin when the fan is on high.

an option that shows different icons for different input_selects isnt there
we got that for a sensor, but for input_select that seemed a bit illogical. allthough with the select next it could be logical, so ill put that on the list to possibly create.

you can also set the spinning mode to icon off
and make the off the active mode and set that to not spinning icon.

icon_on: mdi-fan
icon_off: mdi-fan mdi-spin
mode: "OFF"

that will probably give you the closest result to what you want.

The option to set the mode: “High” worked for the HIGH speed only obviously and that’s fine with me, any other way just won’t work. Thank you for the help.

setting the option for mode: “OFF” would of course work exactly the same.

If I set it to “OFF” or “Off” the widget will go blank, all the other options work on their respected speeds

did you use quotes?
or else yaml will interprete off as false :wink:

Yes i did, try it with and without " ", Uppercase, lowercase and all caps and the only way it works is on the speeds like “High”. On “OFF” or “Off” the widget will grey out completely.

ok, ill put that in my mind. i guess there is a problem in the yaml interpreter then.