I just came accross this searching! I just had to take apart my Hampton Bay fan remote to clean the buttons because some soda got spilled on it and they were sticky. But saw on the circuit board, its so simple, just the UC, a PIN selector and buttons with the RF antenea built into the PCB… Started to think about how to add an ESP32 to this…
While doing some research on the RF 303.9Mhz frequency that the fan uses, I came accross yoiur post and GIThub with all the info already done! LOL. Thank you for this!!! The GITHUB you posted shows the 303.9, but then the RF module in the requirements is a 315-900Mhz and seems like it mainly operates at 433Mhz. your code is for ESP8266, but I’ll just update it to port over for an ESP32… OR I just use up some of my old 8266 boards… But if this works, I’ll design my own PCB’s to plug and play all my fans (6) of them in each room. Since they are wifi, I just need to 3D print a box and run power to them. I may add a MMwave sensor if possible and temp sensor to it too, so I can automate to turn fan on to xx speed if room gets hotter then xx degrees and a the room is occupied. Awesome work on the feedback to be able to verify the fan setting actually set!
Did that board end up working for the RF? 10’ to the next room, was that the max you got, or was only able to test? I would like to build a single device for my house and put the sensor in a single location and then control each room via the PIN selection on the control. I have a 3800sqft house with 6 of the same Hampton Bay 303.9Mhz ceiling fans that are remote.
The Hampton Bay fans in my home use a remote with model number “HD3”. Looking up the FCCID: “2AAZPHD3” on this website:https://fccid.io/, it shows the frequency is 304.25MHz, which matched what I was seeing with my RTL-SDR using universal radio hacker.
I have been able to decipher the following protocol, and have it working on esphome using dbuezas’ cc1101 template: GitHub - dbuezas/esphome-cc1101
Below is the protocol for the Hampton Bay fans using the HD3 remote using esphome. I send 2 input_select variables to esphome from home assistant, device and command.
Again, a reminder if you have an HD3 remote, the frequency is 304.25MHz.
Also, I can control all 5 fans in my house with a single transmitter in the master bedroom - so it’s reaching about 40 ft with no issues - granted my home is only constructed with single wall wood.
I also have the same transmitter controlling my 433.83MHz string lights outside - with the
- lambda: get_cc1101(transceiver).setFreq(xxx.xx);
command prior to transmitting any signal. The same antenna handles both frequencies pretty well.
I have the same remote, HD3, 2AAZPDH3 and 304.25MHz. I am trying to go through the process of going through capturing it with URH. Never done this before so I might just be missing something but I am not seeing the same patterns.
What I have captured for pressing the power button is:
the data is there.
if you define the ‘one bit’ as ‘011’ and the ‘zero bit’ as ‘0001’ and realize that there is actually a 0 before the first 11 that doesn’t show up, then this signal;
Translates to the following data bits:
So preamble is: 100000000000
Then the dip pin is 0101
And the command is 01100101, which is power on.
The only difference between your result and mine is your zero bit has 4 characters where mine was three “001”
Try leaving sample rate as default in URH.
I was wanting to get this to work, but I dont understand how the MQTT FAN changes work and so the original script will not work when setup of the config.yaml file from it. Have you got this working in HA??
Can you share the whole esp code to see how you control the buttons?
I have a similar fan but the light is dimmeable and there is a code for each light status, but i cant find the pattern yet
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000000110001100’ only light at 96%
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000000110101101’ with fan high
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000000111001110’ with fan med
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000000111101111’ with fan low
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000110010001010’ only light at 50%
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000110010101011’ with fan high
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000110011001100’ with fan med
Received RCSwitch Raw: protocol=6 data=‘000000000110011101101’ with fan low
my esp code:
name: d1-rf
friendly_name: D1 RF
- cc1101.h
- "SmartRC-CC1101-Driver-Lib"
board: d1_mini
# Enable logging
# Enable Home Assistant API
ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
password: !secret wifi_password
fast_connect: true
power_save_mode: HIGH
# Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails
ssid: "D1-Rf Fallback Hotspot"
password: "0dsO0HAYrNTw"
- platform: custom
lambda: |-
auto my_sensor = new CC1101(
D5, // SCK
D6, // MISO
D7, // MOSI
D3, // CSN
D1, // GDO0
96.96, // bandwidth_in_khz
303.90 // freq_in_mhz
return {my_sensor};
id: transciver_1
name: "RSSI"
unit_of_measurement: dBm
entity_category: diagnostic
# you can have multiple transcivers in the same board
# with more than 2, an esp8266 will get out of RAM. You'll need to remove the logger and reduce the recevier buffer size to 200
- platform: template
max_value: 812
min_value: 450
step: 1
mode: slider
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: "kHz"
name: BW
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).setBW(x);
- platform: template
min_value: 304.2
max_value: 348
#min_value: 378
#max_value: 464
# min_value: 799
# max_value: 928
step: .001
mode: box
optimistic: true
unit_of_measurement: "MHz"
name: FREQ
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).setFreq(x);
- platform: template
name: "RSSI"
entity_category: diagnostic
lambda: return get_cc1101(transciver_1).rssi_on;
lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).rssi_on = true;
lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).rssi_on = false;
- platform: template
name: Apaga Todo
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).beginTransmission();
- remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
code: '000000000000000000000'
protocol: 6
times: 3
wait_time: 0s
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).endTransmission();
- platform: template
name: Fan Off
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).beginTransmission();
- remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
code: '000000000110000000110'
protocol: 6
times: 3
wait_time: 0s
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).endTransmission();
- platform: template
name: Fan Low
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).beginTransmission();
- remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
code: '000000000110001101001'
protocol: 6
times: 3
wait_time: 0s
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).endTransmission();
- platform: template
name: Fan Med
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).beginTransmission();
- remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
code: '000000000110001001000'
protocol: 6
times: 3
wait_time: 0s
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).endTransmission();
- platform: template
name: Fan High
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).beginTransmission();
- remote_transmitter.transmit_rc_switch_raw:
code: '000000000110000100111'
protocol: 6
times: 3
wait_time: 0s
- lambda: get_cc1101(transciver_1).endTransmission();
- pin: D1 # This is GDO0
carrier_duty_percent: 100%
- pin: D1 # This is GDO0
# on the esp8266 use any of D1,D2,D5,D6,D7,Rx
# Don't use D3,D4,D8,TX, boot often fails.
# Can't be D0 or GPIO17 b/c no interrupts
- rc_switch
# Settings to optimize recognition of RF devices
tolerance: 50%
filter: 250us
idle: 4ms
buffer_size: 2kb
Not sure whose yaml you wanted, but I added a bit more to my post so you can see how I tackled the issue.
I didn’t use buttons. I defined a service in esphome which is callable from inside HA with the parameters of ‘device’ and ‘command’. I then just call that service either in automations or with the UI.
Another note - with your receiver tolerance set at 50%, there is a very good chance your remote is not rc_switch protocol 6.
I recommend buying an rtl-sdr to analyze the signal before trying to duplicate it with a cc1101. It’ll save a lot of guesswork.
Just wanted to say thanks, this post pointed me in the right direction, and I finally got it working. SDR + URH + ESPHOME + dbuezas’ cc1101 template is the way. URH is really cool.
Hi Ryan, do you have any guide on how to use URH to find the signal modulation? I think I have the same remote type or similar you do by the way. If I hold down the light button it allows me to dim the light on the fan.
Hello @implicit_none , im a complete newbie.
I have 3 hampton bay fans, can you share your esphome with me plesse?
i only see a partial code on this thread.
I tried the below and the fan goes on and off but the speeds are not working. I have posted directly to @owenb321 on Github. Will update this thread – If I get the answer.
@implicit_none is your esp code complete? Thanks for any help you can give.
I get the error
Couldn’t find any component that can be used for ‘remote_base::RemoteTransmitterBase’. Are you missing a hub declaration?.
I was intrigued by this project that @owenb321 started. I purchased the transmitters from Ali Express in May of 2023 and just got to starting it off this month. This topic has since evolved and I was estatic to see that I could put this into Esp Home. However the requirements were more and needed a tuner. So I set out and bought a tuner. Then there was the journey on how to learn what was being transmitted. I managed to get rtl_433 going in Virtual Box and I managed to decode high to being the below and same. However I did not know what the protocol was and how many repeats. But I thought I would keep going
[00] {22} 8a 00 98 : 10001010 00000000 100110
Then I started to use @implicit_none code and changed the frequency etc however that did not work for me and I got an error.
At this point having invested days into this project I tried @owenb321 project and figured out how to use Arduino. There was instant sucess! I could turn the fan on and the light on, control two FAN-9T’s however the speed wasn’t working and the MQTT was giving me an error. Long story short @owenb321 was amazing and he fixed the code. So what works? If you are newbie and have FAN-9T remotes then here are the simple steps.