HAOS update failing

@sairon, actually I do. I checked the Nextcloud AIO I have on another VM and I cannot use the menu script. It relies on GitHub as well. Also, the Apps section cannot be accessed as well and it reports there is no Internet connection. At the same time file sync, apps and web app work both inside and outside the network.

Some time ago I moved to the other place temporarily and I moved the computer to other network. I reconfigured DNS records etc. I’m starting to think it can be related, although weirdly the HA addon store didn’t fail right after moving, but only after about a month when I restarted the machine.

The most significant difference is that I don’t have IPv6 now and I did have it before.

Network config on both HA and Nextcloud is automatic. I do have SSL configured, browser reports certificate as valid.

I have a feeling that two factors involved here might be GitHub and IPv4, allthough I don’t have a clue if it makes sense.

Oh. And the Home Assistant Core has updated successfully right now to version 2024.9.2.