Hard reset

Anyone with direction on how to reset home assistant to “factory” defaults (e.g. remove all integrations. dashboard configs to out of the box, remove all devices / entities, etc…)?

Apologies if I missed an obvious posting on this question, but I couldn’t find anything


Re-flash the SD card.

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Or delete the entire contents of the configuration directory including all hidden files and restart.

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Rename/move the configuration directory, so you can keep it as a template/fallback


was hoping to not have to do that so I can keep my wifi / network config :slight_smile:

It is always recommended to connect ha over hardwired ethernet unless you have no other option.
(faster, not reliant on your WiFi (uptime and interference))

how do i get to the config dir and then delete it

I cant access the web ui, but i have a monitor and keyboard connected to home assistant server (odroid)

Same question to me.
Just a thought maybe samba server or ssh addon?

This doesn’t appear to work. The files get saved a final time before restarting.