Hard time with the new card mod

Hey I just update card mod and i’m not able to make it work … so thi is what i tried :

  - type: horizontal-stack
    - type: glance
      title: Présence
      show_header_toggle: false
        - entity: person.dominic_bonneau
          name: Dominic
        - entity: device_tracker.djjfj
          name: GPS
          icon: mdi:crosshairs-gps
        - entity: device_tracker.iphone_dom_wifi
          name: Wifi 
          icon: mdi:wifi
      style: |
        ha-card {
          border-radius: 5px; # This ONE Work 
          border-color: coral;
          border-width: 50px;
          box-shadow: '3px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.4)';

What’s not working…

Like I said I have issue with card-mod so all the style don’t work except for the radius one

Reread your post, that’s the first time you said that. :wink: It’s why I asked.

First, are you clearing your cache and reloading the page after changes?

Second, use chrome. Sniff out the element that you want to adjust using the dev tools. Take a look at this post to figure out what css property you want to adjust.

Yes I tried to clear the cache I even tried it on multiple browser on multiple computer.

I checked with the dev tool of google chrome but find nothing that could help me trouble shoot.

it’s the border-colour and the border width that I would really like to fix… maybe I’m not using the right code ?