Hardware to control wired detectors and siren?

I am planning to use Home Assistant as a combined home alarm/automation system.

I have several wired motion detectors and sirens and I was wondering about the best way to connect them. I could use the I/O pins of an Arduino or Raspberry Pi directly, but I would rather have a separate and more robust solution.

Can anyone recommend hardware that will interface nicely with HA and let me connect several wired sensors and sirens? Are there commercial alarm control panels that are open/flexible enough to be used as “slave” to HA, and for which is already supported by HA?

Newbie here. Apologies if this question has been answered. I have seen related threads but no direct answer.

Many thanks!

How about a esp8266? If it does have enough GPIOs for your needs it can be easily programmed as one or multiple rest sensors/switches.

I have one of these to remote control stuff with a IR-LED. Communication is over HTTP.


Thanks! The esp8266 is a nifty device, but I am looking for something with an enclosure and screw terminals. More like a small alarm control panel.

This thread mentions nx584, which is a HA platform. But I suspect not all nx584 alarm control panels give access to all events in and out. So any recommendation would be great!
Thank you.

Can you explain “more robust solution”?
Unclear about the need.

An enclosure and screw terminals. Enough power for the siren.

I have been looking at this amazing thread: DSC Alarm integration

It seems that a DCS alarm panel and an envisalink board would work, if on the expensive side.

I connected GPIO on RPi and connect wire to Screw Terminal Block https://www.amazon.com/dp/B005DJJGSK/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_kBGTxb67M6ACC

I will be adding 12VDC door strikes for automation of doors. I will use relay module and use raspberry pi to switch relay
Relay Module may also be used for alarm siren

All equipment will be placed in old Ademco alarm panel box or something like this https://www.amazon.com/dp/B00022749G/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_ByGTxbFY16BTN

Actually for alarm siren I am looking at using Whole House audio. Either use a PA channel on amp or input on receiver(depends on your equipment). This allows pi as an audio source or play siren tone. I currently have Chromecast Audio connected to Home amps for music…I have HA automation setup to play Alarm Siren and Doorbell sound(my Doorbell is wired to RPi).

I have (2) power source. 5VDC for RPi and low voltage device. 12VDC for motion detector and Door Strike. These connect through Terminal Block.

This provides clean look and easy connect disconnect.
Mine looks a mess since my current use is testing ideas and not final install but when I get it cleaned up I will upload photo.

I assume your goal was professional look and function. I think this can do both at low cost without compromise.

Thanks! I will look into it.

which solution did you adopt in the end?

I am looking also for a siren