Harman Kardon Citation 700


Im using a harman and kardon citation multibeam 700 as a soundbar for the tv. I can play tts notifications as well. The only problem; i cant select the source to resume the sound from my tv. (connected by hdmi arc port).

I already tested the harmen kardon integration but it doesnt work.
Done some testing with node-red but nothing… Anyone?


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Did you figure this out? I would love to know. Thanks!

I’m wondering the same. I have the HK Citation 200 and haven’t found a way to make it work with Home Assistant.
The only proof that it’s possible that I have found is from cristianm.bunte in his comment here: A different take on designing a Lovelace UI - #5148 by cristianm.bunte
In it it refers to media_player.hk_citation_one_d20393

So @cristianm.bunte , if you see this, how’s your setup to get your citation one connected to HA?