Harmony Remote Activities & Media Player

That’s not supported by the homekit integration

Thanks @petro. I thought that other than volume control, the remote widget was supported.

but you’re exposing a media player, not a remote. And remotes don’t have generic commands.

EDIT: YOu are exposing a remote, however that still doesn’t solve the generic command issue.

I’m not sure I followed that 100%. But yes, I tried as both a remote and media player. both showed up in the Home app, but neither worked in the Remote widget. Homebridge has a Harmony plugin that does function for this, but I was tired of running Homebridge only for that plugin so I got rid of it.

Home assistant has no concept of what commands are supported by remotes. It’s a major flaw in the remote domain. Because of this, things that understand remotes (like homekit) only understand basic functionality presented by HA. Which is basically on/off and nothing more.

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Right. I was just coming back to say something along these lines after looking at this some more.

Currently the universal remote has no directtional buttons or select button or back button that we could map.

Not homeassistant, but this is one of the main reasons I have homebridge running the homebridge-harmony plugin. I have multiple harmony hubs that work with the ios home widget with physical phone volume controls. Very little configuration is needed from the default plugin (mainly just the ip address of the hub).