Has anyone upgraded to VirtualBox 7 yet?

I’ve been running HA VM on VirtualBox 6.1 for many years without any issues. I have a new PC I would like to migrate Home Assistant to. I would like to also upgrade to VirtualBox 7 while I’m at it (if there aren’t any weird issues with Version 7).

If there are no strange issues with Version 7, I will upgrade to Version 7 first on my old PC, then move the VM to the new PC that already has Version 7.

Hi, today I’ve upgraded VirtualBox 6.1 to Virtualbox 7.0.6, with Home Assistant 2023.4.4 but doesn’t work!
The system fail to startup…
I did a downgrade to virtualbox 6.1 and the system started working again…
I don’t know if there is some operation to do to update the core… but I didn’t have much time and I preferred to go back…

If anyone has any information about it let us know … thanks

I asked the same question on Reddit. Luckily, someone suggested switching to VMware Workstation Player. The same Home Assistant VM runs at least 300-400% faster and all the weird quirks related to my USB dongle went away instantly! It’s completely free if you use it for personal use. I can’t believe more people don’t talk about about using VMware for Home Assistant.

I am able to use VirtualBox 7.0.0 through 7.0.2. But 7.0.3 and above all fail to boot for me.

Hi Guys !

Any updates on this topic from anybody ? How is HA performing on VB 7+ ?

Thank you !

I just upgraded from 6.x to 7.0.10 (on Kubuntu). A couple of hours after upgrading/restarting/etc., both my Android HA Companion Apps (tablet, phone) stopped showing the UI (the “unable to connect” issue that many people report, but it seems there’s no one cause). Note that the apps were still connected to HAss (TTS notifications, etc. were working), but the web UI wouldn’t load (also on Firefox and Chrome mobile). However, I could get the web UI on the host computer, even in a different (Windows) VM. After trying various things (including installing a test HA server with the same issue), I changed the HAss VM’s network adapter in VBox from Intel Pro to virt-io, and this immediately resolved the issue. Aha! But…when I changed it back to Intel Pro…there was no more problem. So I think just “fiddling with stuff” and maybe something will shake loose is the common thread for this issue. Other than that, nothing really to report (I use VBox for other things, so can’t compare it to other options in terms of performance, etc.).

I just had some Virtualbox 6 to 7 upgrade experience. Try review a resent post I wrote.
Virtualbox experience