HASS.Agent: Windows client to receive notifications, use commands, sensors, quick actions and more!

@SamKr That’s it! That’s fixed it, no more errors.

Thank you very much. HASS.Agent working and no more broker errors.


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This worked for me as well but took longer than it should have to figure out…lol.

I have never seen that Satellite Service Config screen. Maybe because I’ve been using HassAgent for a while and it got added during one of the upgrades :man_shrugging:. I was searching through the “Configuration” options which also has a Satellite Service tab and was about to post that the option pictured was missing. Figured it must be a PEBKAC issue and then realized I was in the wrong place entirely.

TLDR: you need to right click the HassAgent systray icon and select the “manage satellite service” option (not “configuration”).

@SamKr forgot to mention. While everything is working and I’m not getting any errors in my broker logs, the service config screen shows an error status.

This could be the Supervisor to just check if the broker is still running did see some posts about it i’ve got some local container connection errors too.

i m just wondering why HASS.Agent is generating them :slight_smile:

Did you try @SamKr fix outlined above? It worked for me and others.

Yea it’s a bit convoluted atm, it’ll be more streamlined/logical in the future :grin:

The error state is weird. If you don’t use the service, you can turn it off completely by going to the ‘regular’ config screen → satellite service → disable service.

If you want to find out what’s causing it, please click open service logs folder on that same page and check if there’s anything in the logs.

Was about to look into this but the error message is gone now…says connected in green :man_shrugging:
All good now.

I have a use case that I have half working with Hass agent but not completely. I’m writing to see if someone has a good idea on how to improve it. I have two Windows computers (my two sons computers) for which I want to monitor the screen time they actually spend logged in. They have user accounts and I have the admin account in both computers. So far I have installed HASS agent with their use accounts and the satellite starts as well with their user account. I am monitoring the sensor.pcname_loggeduser variable to monitor the logged user and count the time in Home assistant, but I am having a problem since the satellite starts on boot as my sons users, so Home assistant counts the time even when they are not logged in Windows. I have tried as well to start Hass agent in the administrative account but then it reports that the logged user is my admin account and not my sons. Should I perhaps monitor another sensor to actually track the time they are active logged in? Any better ideas?


@NachoMas I think you could use the LastActive sensor combined with the LoggedUser that you’re already using. LastActive is updated each time the user makes some kind of input (moving the keyboard or mouse). Note: I discovered that for me, having a game controller plugged into the PC caused LastActive to always be active.

I do something similar to this to monitor my own computer and automatically turn off my lights a few minutes after I stop actively using the computer (based on the LastActive sensor).


Hello and thank you for HASS.Agent, it works wonderfully.

Is it possible to get reports of the volume a windows laptop microphone is picking up to HA? Like in dB or any numerical value. Assuming that the microphone is being used, like when one opens the sound settings, windows reports the amount of noise the microphone is picking up in bar.

I tried to find a relative entry using wmi query but couldnt find any, just thought I’d ask if anyone has a clue.

Thanks again.

Hey @Achilleez, thanks! Good to hear :slight_smile:

That actually just got added to yesterday’s beta: Release 2022.13.0-beta3 · LAB02-Research/HASS.Agent · GitHub

The Audio multivalue sensor now publishes input values as well. It’s the same metric that Windows shows.

Works great, you guys are wizards. Thank you!

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Is it possible in the current version to detect when a USB drive has been connected? It has created a sensor from some time back when it was once connected but I can’t find a way to tell the current state.

Installed Hass.Agent on Windows. When I login as a non-administrator account, I see the local api failed:

Is this normal?

When I am logged in as local admin, then local api is ok. I am using only couple of sensors so they are working fine even with non-admin account and local api failed.

To use notifications, do I have to have a static IP, or can I use a name?

You can try using its netbios/dns name, but it depends on your network whether that works, haven’t yet tested that.

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Not yet no, but I’ve created a ticket, it’s a good idea: hassagent-144

Try installing beta 2, then run hass.agent as your local admin account and click this:

Afterwards it should be ok for all users.

Installed the beta version from link. It did not fix the issue. When I logout and login as normal user, I still get the error:


The local api still shows failed.

Checking back in here, just wondering if we think it might be possible to distinguish between Spotify playing through the computer the agent is hosted on versus Spotify allowing me to control playback on another device when Spotify is running?