Hass Configurator with DuckDNS and SSL on HA

The app does ask but I think I clicked on ‘cancel’ when it asked last time as I didn’t mean to go into the configurator.

Swiping in any direction from any side of the ‘line’ doesn’t work.Tapping on the left or anywhere except on the line doesn’t work either. I only get it reliably going in if I tap ON the line. Then it’s pretty reliable now.

Then you probably have to clear the cache of the app (if that’s possible) to make it ask for the credentials again.

And I think I have to correct myself: The filebrowser seems to get hidden by tapping, but for the editor settings you need to swipe from the right edge of the screen to the left. But as long as this is working for you I don’t think we need to further elaborate on this. As said before, it’s a known bug, and whoever encounters it has to find the correct tapping area depending on their screen size / resolution.

Only way on iOS is to delete the app and reload. (Just did that and it still shows the error)

If that doesn’t do the trick I think you have to reach out to the developer. The configurator is just doing regular authentication following the standards. If the client (the iOs App) doesn’t ask for credentials again, then that’s where the problem is.

Thanks Daniel

Good day struggling with this. trying to run with this command:

sudo docker run --name configurator --restart=always -p 3218:3218 -tid -v /home/hass/docker/configurator/configurator-config:/config -v /etc/letsencrypt:/ssl causticlab/hass-configurator-docker:arm-0.2.6

where the settings.conf file is in configurator-config. Not sure it this right. Also mapped the “external” letsencrypt files into ssl


I think it would be helpful if you tell us what exactly is not working or which error messages you get.

@danielperna84 thank you. Got it working, I was missing the mapping for my home-assistant folder.
Went onto discord and Ludeeos shared his command. Basically you need 3 mappings:

  1. for your homeassistant configuration folder into a configuration folder inside the configurator docker
  2. for the settings.conf file into the conf folder inside configurator docker
  3. if ussing ssl, then for the ssl location into a “certificates” folder inside the configurator docker.

Perhaps it could be added to your github as it would help new users overcome basic set up needs.

I am struggling to get this working. I mapped the configurator folder to configurator:config, and the home assistant config folder:hass-config. I do not have any ssl certs so did not map such directory.
my docker setup is in synology.
Can someone share their settings.conf file (which is suppose to be in my mapped configurator folder right?) so I can see where I messed up?

This is mine:
“LISTENIP”: “192.168.x.xxx”,
“BASEPATH”: null,
“HASS_API”: “http://192.168.x.xxx:8123/api/”,
“CREDENTIALS”: “username:yyyy”,
“DIRSFIRST”: false,
“SESAME”: null

I’m a very new in HA and have a similar problem as mentioned above: after installing ssl I can not access from HomeAssistant menu Configurator and ESPHhome . Opens a blank window.
For example: if I access http://mydomain.duckdns.org:3218/ it works fine (configurator opens up) (the same with ESPHome)
If I access https://mydomain.duckdns.org:3218/ it says “ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR”

In configuration file I add:
api_password: !secret hass_pass
ssl_certificate: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/certs/dehydrated/certs/mydomain.duckdns.org/fullchain.pem
ssl_key: /home/homeassistant/.homeassistant/certs/dehydrated/certs/mydomain.duckdns.org/privkey.pem

base_url: https://mydomain.duckdns.org:8123

title: ‘ESPHome’
icon: mdi:chip

url: https://mydomain.duckdns.org:6052
title: ‘Configurator’
icon: mdi:square-edit-outline
url: https://mydomain.duckdns.org:3218

I using non-hassio system, HA is installed in odroid xu4 on ubuntu 18.04 minimal without Docker.
Because my HA is non -hassio I can’t find and corect settings.conf file as recommended above…
Port 443->8123 on my router is forwarded.
I don’t understand what’s wrong? Where is a problem.
Help me please !!!