Hass.io Add-on: Upload hassio snapshots to Dropbox

Working with HassOS fine here as well… has never stopped working for me.

Could you share exactly how you configure it?
Mine does not upload anythig.
I have hassio on a Pi.
This is the log.
I have the folder in DB, and looks ok in /Apps/hassio-bak/
It was created automatically.

starting version 3.2.4
[Info] Files will be uploaded to: /hassio-bak/
[Info] Saving OAUTH_ACCESS_TOKEN to /etc/uploader.conf
[Info] Listening for messages via stdin service call...

How have you tried to upload, it’s not automatic unless you create an automation/script that includes the upload command.

Looks like everything is working fine so far. You have to actually trigger an upload. It’s spelled out explicitly how to do so in the documentation, let me know if you have any trouble.

Oh, ok.
I wasn’t sure about creating a script to triger the upload… better to ask.
I have automatation.yaml and scripts.yaml
on which one should the command be written?
Any simple examples ?


There are examples within this very thread! Scroll up and check them out :slight_smile:

You can always do the service call to test without writing your automation right away. See the docs.

The automation and script files serve different purposes, automations are not the same as scripts in home assistant. But in most cases for this add-on, you’re looking for automations.yaml

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I am still learnig this…
Wil it work? (From a post above)
Should I just pasted in automatation.yaml as is?

- alias: Snapshot 3AM
    platform: time
    at: '3:00:00'
    condition: time
      - sun
  - service: hassio.snapshot_full
      name: Automated Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}
- alias: Upload dropbox 4AM
    platform: time
    at: '4:00:00'
  - service: hassio.addon_stdin
      addon: 7be23ff5_dropbox_sync
      input: {"command":"upload"}

That won’t work you have two actions. Scroll up. Someone posted the working automation script, so just use that.

Edit: disregard

It’s 2 actions but also 2 automations so should work

Ahh my bad

Still getting this issue when I am trying to install on HASSIOOS raspberry PI.

“readlink /var/lib/docker/overlay2: invalid argument”

Worth noting that I restored from Backup SNAPSHOT where it was working after moving to HASSIOOS for the first time, that is when it broke, and I deleted it to try to install again. Is there I way to CLEAN any old install of the addon out of HASSIO os

Let’s continue that discussion on the issues page if possible. I replied to you there with some suggestions and haven’t heard back.

I have red the whole thread, not much light about this.
I need something simple, with a button to click to manually trigger the upload.
I still don’t know to which file should I write , what parameters to write to see it in the UI as a button like “Upload”.

I found this way above:

  - service: hassio.addon_stdin 
      addon: "7be23ff5_dropbox_sync"
      input: {"command":"upload"}

I paste it in my automations.yaml but there is nothing in the UI to trigger the upload.

Is there a reason you abandoned the automation you posted a few posts up?

I try to understand the system first before I automated something.
I realize that just using that and understanding half of it is not OK.
So I take small steps.

I think it’s great to try and understand. Let me try and offer some explanation.

In your first comment, you included a fully functioning automation (or, more precisely, 2 automations working together). That code would have automatically created a snapshot at a specified time, and automatically issued a service call to a hassio addon (in this case, triggering and addon). It’s important to note that automations are things that happen in response to triggers, +/- when certain conditions are met, without any action or intervention from you, the user. So don’t expect for a button to appear in the UI when you define an automation. It’s not supposed to… it’s supposed to be automated! Note that you could define your own input component (input_boolean for example) and use the “events” provided by that input to trigger your automation. This would work just fine, but note that you should probably also automate turning the Boolean switch back off. Personally, I find the “switch when I really want a button” approach kind of unnatural from a UI standpoint and I avoid it, but it’s certainly an option.

What you want, it sounds like, is a manual trigger for a set of pre-defined actions. This is what scripts are for. And unlike automations, you can have a button show up in the UI to activate a script. Google “homeassistant scripts” and read the documentation on them. There are similarities to automation syntax, but some differences as well.

Actually there will be a group ‘All Automations’ created and displayed Automatically (or specified if using lovelace) and if you click on the automation there is a button there to trigger it.

Oh nice, I’ve declared things explicitly for a long time so I’ve never seen this.

Thank you, now is a more clear for me.
Last paragraph really made it clear for me what scripts are for.

I use the automation in the end because I needed to see it at work and by “mistake” I trigger it manually from Services :slight_smile:

The automation will do its thing, but I will also integrate a button to trigger it manually (ex. before I test new code).
I hope it will work (trigger it manualy in Services is not elegant :slight_smile:)

Wow… nice one.
Note for other noobs :slight_smile:

It looks like this, just click on the automation an a popup window with a button TRIGGER presents itself.
Press TRIGGER and the action that should take place at a specific time happens now.