Home Assistant Supervised (previously known as Hass.io) on Synology DSM as native package (not supported or working atm)

Thanks for advice.

That docker are downloaded from below link:

and my output are like below ( There are some Koreans but meaning are same as yours )

admin@DATA:~$ synopkg list|grep Docker
Docker-18.09.0-0506: Docker는 전 세계의 개발자들이 DSM에서 만든 수천개의 컨테이너를 실행할 수 있는 능력을 제공하는 경량형 가상화 응용 프로그램입니다. 인기있는 거대한 내장 이미지 리포지토리인 Docker 허브에서는 재능있는 다른 개발자들의 공유된 응용 프로그램을 찾을 수 있습니다.

admin@DATA:~$ synopkg version Docker

For some reason, after several weeks and days of stable running hassio 106.6 i just now lost the dashboard in the supervisor, it does not show installed add-ons.

Also, the add-on store is not showing any results.

Nothing in the log-files, and the only change done recently is signing up and connecting to Nabu Casa. I offcourse disabled this, restarted the package from DSM, and so on. Still no data in the supervisor.

Also tried to restore to an 6 days old image, i know the store worked then, but even when restored, it does not show anything in dashboard, or in the add-on store.

Any ideas?

Oh, that’s really unfortunate. Usually the issue with the supervisor tab is resolved by restarting (either the package or sometimes the whole NAS). I don’t know what is causing this but it is a sync-problem between the supervisor and hass-core.

For some reason, upgrading the core to 107.7, and after that roling back to a 6 day old snapshot solved the problem and everything is working again.

Is this a Synlogy specific bug, or is it a Home assistant bug in general?

hej @fredrike
Could you also upload your package to some other location like Google Drive / Dropbox etc in parallel to SynoCommunity?
Synocommunity is super unstable last weeks. And almost every time I look in there - it’s down. Now it’s down as well.
I’d like to try out your package after it matured in the last months but can’t download it :frowning:

EDIT: SynoCommunity got up and I installed it!
First observations:

  1. Encountered the issue with restart loop of the hassio_audio container. Fixed by creating audio group in DSM GUI. I think it’s worth to mention this in your 1st post in current issues. Hope the next release will be free of this bug. I think creation of the audio group should be part of the package installation
  2. the homeassistant container did not start automatically. I waited until I saw the download is finished and started it manually from docker. Something is probably wrong in the package script. restarting the package didn’t help. Only manual start possible.

Great work BTW! Will be testing this in the next days and hopefully will replace my current docker-based HA Core with this hass.io package. Seamless addon functionality is a bless and a real HA added value. Thanks for your efforts!

Here it is: Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

This version is supposed to fix it (I never had this issue though): Dropbox - File Deleted - Simplify your life

It is the supervisor’s job to start homeassistant, I’m not sure what is going on there. Did you save the logs?

Hi @fredrike !
Thanks actioning so quickly and for the reply.

No, actually I haven’t :frowning: But next time if something fails - I definitely will.

I decided to play a little bit with this package (as I’m running it in parralel for now with my HA Core and this was a clean install, so I don’t lose anything) as I thought you’d like to get some feedback how does it go to fix any bugs for the future releases.

I uninstalled the package from SynoCommunity and here my observations after uninstall:

  1. Is this intended that only addon containers are removed by the uninstall script? hassio_audio, hassio_cli and homeassistant containers stayed in Docker. Addon containers were removed
  2. Should the hass.io folder stay after uninstall? It stayed in my case. Actually I wonder what happens when I install the package again. Is it recommended to remove the folder priori reinstallation? Can any conflicts occur?

Then I decided to give a try of two attempts - with the hass.io folder intact and without it (again a clean install). Every time I tried - I deleted the remaining containers (homeassistant, hassio_cli, hassio_audio).
I. 1st attempt
I left the hass.io folder, and planned to remove the audio group, but I forgot to do this prior installation of the package version from your Dropbox and the installation failed saying that it cannot create group:
Probably it was about the audio group. I think it’ll be good to handle this in the install script and not create one when it exists or ask the user what to do (delete and recreate or leave it).
The installation succeeded anyway and all containers got up! :slight_smile: Including the homeassistant container. So no error this time (not sure why did this happen the first time I installed te package - perhaps some docker issue.
Addon containers were recreated. All went back to the state before uninstall which is great!

II. 2nd attempt
Removed the audio group in DSM GUI prior installation and installed the package from Dropbox you provided.Also removed the hass.io folder prior the installation
Here’re my observations:

  1. There’s a message shown regarding the group creation:
    image, but seems it doesn’t do anything wrong with the installation. Perhaps not necessary to show it?
  2. The group was created successfully! :slight_smile:
  3. All containers were created. No boot loop of hassio_audio - problem fixed :slight_smile:
    Everything started well and all good! :slight_smile:

Independently from the approach I took there are warnings in logs - probably related to the fact that Synology is not the officially supported platform.

20-03-31 16:15:29 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.systemd] No systemd support on the host. Host control has been disabled.
20-03-31 16:15:29 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.hostname] No hostname support on the host. Hostname functions have been disabled.
20-03-31 16:15:29 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.rauc] Host has no rauc support. OTA updates have been disabled.
20-03-31 16:15:29 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.dbus.nmi_dns] No DnsManager support on the host. Local DNS functions have been disabled.

But do you know what each of them means to us? What functionalities are missing in this package comapring to e.g. installation on RPi becuase of this?

Thanks again for the great work!

Well, it is supposed to remove all containers with this snippit that is executed during uninstall:

        docker rm --force hassio_supervisor hassio_dns
        if [ `docker inspect --format='{{.Config.Image}}' homeassistant|grep -q homeassistant/qemux86-64` ]; then
            docker rm --force homeassistant && docker image rm ${HOMEASSISTANT}
        docker image rm ${SUPERVISOR} ${HASSIO_DNS}
        docker network rm hassio

        if [ "${wizard_remove_addons}" == "true" ]; then
            # Remove addons
            ADDONS_FILE=$(jq -r '.data + "/addons.json"' ${CFG_FILE})

            docker rm --force $(jq -r '.user| keys| map("addon_"+.)| join(" ")' $ADDONS_FILE)
            docker rmi --force $(jq -r '[.user | keys[] as $k | .[$k].image] | join(" ")' $ADDONS_FILE)

Yes it should stay, it contains good stuff :slight_smile:. I just remove the config.json file. You should not need to touch your hass.io` folder.

       # Move config.json so hassio_supervisor will create a new homeassistant container.
       mv "${HASSIO_DATA}/config.json" "${HASSIO_DATA}/config-$(date '+%s').bak"

Good, and I guess you are testing with the hassio_x64-6.1_20200330-1.spk file.

The whole audio group issue is magical for me as I can’t reproduce it. I’m just following the suggestion from @raphii. Perhaps he have more info on how to make it fully transparent during installation.

I must mention that I’m running core 0.107.5 with supervisor 214 without audio group in my system:

fer@SynHome:~$ sudo synogroup --get audio
Lastest SynoErr=[group_db_get.c:26]
SYNOGroupGet failed, synoerr=0x1800  

It would be interesting to see if you can do an installation without the audio group now. (I’m really close on moving to hassio live so will not have much possibility to test more)

It means that we might miss some things (I don’t consider any of them crucial):

  • We can’t control the host system (restart services on Synology)
  • We can’t read the hostname of our Synology (I’m not sure where it is used)
  • We can’t update the host-OS (which wouldn’t make sense anyway)
  • We can’t set DNS settings on host

Edit: This is the script used for installation/upgrade/uninstallation: spksrc/spk/hassio/src/service-setup.sh at 7abccb3988f59f16613d1ef40d05b528833fae33 · fredrike/spksrc · GitHub

I’ve just installed this and it’s mostly working great, but I can’t connect to the cloud, it says it cannot connect. I also noticed that the DNS container keep stopping and the seems to get recreated every few seconds.


In the log for the container I see this

/config/corefile:16 - Error during parsing: Unknown directive 'fallback'

The logs are full of these errors

20-04-03 08:42:32 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.dns] Can't start CoreDNS plugin
20-04-03 08:42:32 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.tasks] Watchdog CoreDNS reanimation fails!
20-04-03 08:42:52 WARNING (MainThread) [supervisor.tasks] Watchdog found a problem with CoreDNS plugin!
20-04-03 08:42:52 INFO (MainThread) [supervisor.dns] Start CoreDNS plugin
20-04-03 08:42:52 ERROR (SyncWorker_10) [supervisor.docker] Can't create container from hassio_dns: 404 Client Error: Not Found ("No such image: homeassistant/amd64-hassio-dns:3")
20-04-03 08:42:52 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.dns] Can't start CoreDNS plugin
20-04-03 08:42:52 ERROR (MainThread) [supervisor.tasks] Watchdog CoreDNS reanimation fails!

What’s the best way to restart HA when running this? Server Controls don’t appear to actually restart anything, I find I have to manually stop and start the docker container for anything to happen.

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@fredrike: I just tested the installation on a new DS918+. No Audio group needed.
I’ve seen that the audio container checks at startup, if the kernel has audio-support.

I’ll test this again with Audio Station installed.
EDIT: I’ve tested it with Audio Station installed. Works like a charm. Even my USB speaker is working again with hass.io-audio containers like my snapcast-client container or spotify connect.

Maybe the guys at hassio-audio have fixed some stuff…

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Can anyone help me here to integrate a bluetooth dongle connected to a ds218+? Is it possible to ingerate in in HA?

Hi, I get an error on login (see Hassio: login not working from custom domain with SSL - #3 by Djiest) and I think I need to configure something in my firewall or router, but I’m not sure what. Can you elaborate?

Yeah, it looks ok, but for some reason removed only addon containers :thinking: I uninstalled twice and both times the core HA containers stayed intact. When you do the same on your Synology does it remove them? Not a big issue tough.


That’s not a major issue. It’s only aesthetics. I imagine some users don’t have this problem. DSM looks and feels the same on all Synology NAS devices, but in details it isn’t the same. Under the hood there are various differences. Perhaps that’s the reason why some experience this, and some not. I own DS216+II model running the newest DSM 6.2.2

Yeah, I did this already as described. The installation went fine. The audio group was created by the install script. The only drawback was the info message I mentioned. Again just aesthetics.

I don’t use the package much, but setup some integrations and they all work fine in the background. The core container runs smoothly. No sudden stops or hickups, so I’m also thinking to migrate to it and run it productively within a month. I tested upgrade from 0.107 to 0.108.2 today triggered from Supervisor - all went smooth. Looks like everything I want works fine, which is great! :slight_smile: Great job indeed! :+1:

Thanks for the explanation. All of these are not important to me and I would even don’t want some of them to work (like hostOS update).

Thanks again for all the good work. Running hass.io instead of just HA Core is a whole new UX level to me :slight_smile:

@fredrike Hi, can you give me a link with the latest stable version for Synology? I do not have a Dropbox account :frowning: .

Thank you very much.

@fredrike I really appreciate your amazing work on Hass.io integration with Synology. It is absolutely useful project and this soft and your support are excellent!

I do understand that it is beta so I expect some issue along the way. This is what I found. I had hass-core container on my Synology installed from Synology docker Registry.

  1. First of all, the installation removed my container and replaced it with it own which basically not a big issue since all configuration files from my instance remain on Synology and I had not much configured there. Though I could be an issue for other people.
  2. I managed to run hass.io after 3 times reinstalling SPK and removing all related containers. The issue was that I got whether empty page when clicked on “Supervisor” tab or the tab gave me know error “Unable to load the panel source: /api/hassio/app/entrypoint.js”. I think that the approach described in sticky topic in this thread “Current issues” can break installation. Because after I cliced “clear” on hassio_supervisor it did not start anymore looping with exception “cannot find docker socket”.

I observed the same for both hassio_x64-6.1_20190709-1.spk and hassio_x64-6.1_20200330-1.spk

Let me know if you need more info on the issue.
Thank you one more time for your amazing work.


@lostprophet you don’t have to have Dropbox account. There is little link at the bottom of download page something like “Continue with view”

I’ll make sure that this is not happening for the next version.

I think the latest version of hass-audio have fixed this:

That is the intended behaviour, and there is actually no other way of doing the setup.

You should not need to reinstall the package, just starting/stopping it seems to do the trick. If it’s not an issue with downloading the containers (@chickenandporn had a comment about making sure that the containers existed during package startup).

Thank you, but can you give me the link to be able to download the latest stable link? I have issues with the current install - it crashed, and I need to rebuild it from scratch - I hope I can import the backups. If not, I am in a big mess.

Thank you very much.