Hass.io window not loading

This didn’t work for me. Only the Chrome browser works at this time.

This problem was fixed for me on IOS with hassio 0.70 and hassio supervisor 107.
Now broken again with hassio 0.72.1 and hassio supervisor 110.
Only Chrome and Firefox browsers are working.
Fixed for Safari on iPhone by removing https:\ from the http: section of configuration.yaml
Still not working for the IOS app.

After updating to version 0.90.1
i can no longer open the hass.io tab (with dashboard, snapshot, addons and system)
Once i restarted the hassio i suspect that the duckdns add on is turned off and since i cant access the hass.io tab to enable it once again the add on I have no https access to my hassio from outside my local network.
How do i solve this? Before upgrading to version 0.90.1 i took a backup but i cant restore it through hass.io/snapshot