Hass on https for internal lan

You don’t have set them on the same port…really, you don’t have to use any port in my opinion.

  • ngnix listen on hass.domain.com:80
  • if client that request connection is router-ip, display auth login…and proxy to localhost:8123
  • if client that request connection is NOT router-ip, proxy to localhost:8123

where 8123 is the port of your hass :slight_smile:

anyway this topic is going OT :wink:

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Yes, you can do that.
I don’t want to expose external services on common ports. Obscurity is not security, but it is a good layer of a secure install.

Sorry for digging up this old post, but it is just my problem. Most other Nginx reverse proxy threads are about “location / {…}”, not “location /hass {…}”.

Due to a dyndns I cannot use subdomains (so I’m stuck with FQDN/hass) and because of other things running on the same server I cannot put HASS in the server root.

Is there any progress in that matter?

I must admit, I don’t understand the solution proposed by @elbowz

I’ve tried your nginx config, but some weird things happened…

  1. it ignores any combination of IP addressed added to automatically allow access
  2. HASS repeatedly asks me for a password to login, despite the fact their isn’t an API password set.

Any ideas?