Hassio 0.82 Rpi2 model B systemmonitor load averaging around 0.6-0.75. is that Ok?

Info page shows 55 components loaded
Only fronted issue I am getting is: Loading History page takes a lot of time
It feels like automations and calling services takes about 5 seconds but I don’t know if you can cut them down even further.
CPU/processor use averages from 10-20%
Similar for memory use (20-30%)
My question is:
Is this amount of Load ok?
Will an upgrade to Rpi3 B+ be useful?

Any other suggestions to run services quicker?

Thanks in anticipation

The biggest bottleneck seems to be the sqlite database, so using an external database will certainly help. Excluding components from being stored in the database may give you a smaller boost.

If you are not using discovery, that is worth turning off.

But switching to a Pi3 would certainly help the most.

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Definitely worth changing to an external DB.