I’ve been trying to connect with no success a sonoff pow 16, flashed with tasmoto classic, to hassio through the mosquitto broker.
Here are the configurations:
#base_topic: Home
#user: xxx
#password: yyy
discovery: true
#discovery_prefix: homeassistant
mosquitto configurations
“logins”: [
“username”: “xxx”,
“password”: “yyy”
“anonymous”: true,
“customize”: {
“active”: false,
“folder”: “mosquitto”
“certfile”: “fullchain.pem”,
“keyfile”: “privkey.pem”
Container Host
1883/tcp 1883
1884/tcp 1884
8883/tcp 8883
8884/tcp 8884
Here are the logs
Mosquitto Logs
1553168825: |-- data=username=xxx&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid=
1553168825: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http
1553168825: |-- Cached [0417517F8B1CA2032610AFFE0A17D39694A4E528] for (client id not available,xxx,2)
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [47915787E92545C964E1769DD42BA992297DE6D4]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [1D9FC2D65221108BAABA861ACE9472BEB0C25F9F]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [6875D797C77D39BF06824A123473581F87B0C2BB]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [1C98CAE7941BB9D3C066AE9A5BDBBAB131A51724]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [13D5ED767E52DFDB474BAE703D1CC369A45FDCA3]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [8F33B3FA84DECBD2CE4F9A644C97BB02392CB026]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [1F217A7628F9F44D8450C50DE66CE7377A80E49E]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [EE3B5EEE765BB313002BDD8F8240CDC1196A95D5]
1553168825: |-- Cleanup [4C89C231F52B177017AE7D19AC9E8E2FFD538E7E]
1553168825: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
1553168825: |-- url=
1553168825: |-- data=username=xxx&password=&topic=&acc=-1&clientid=
1553168825: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, 2) SUPERUSER=Y by http
1553168825: |-- Cached [47915787E92545C964E1769DD42BA992297DE6D4] for (client id not available,xxx,2)
1553169125: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
1553169125: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE, 2) CACHEDAUTH: 0
1553169125: |-- mosquitto_auth_acl_check(…, client id not available, xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, MOSQ_ACL_WRITE)
1553169125: |-- aclcheck(xxx, Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR, 2) CACHEDAUTH: 0
Logs Sonoff Pow 16
00:00:00 SRC: Restart
00:00:00 Project sonoff Sonoff Version 6.4.1(classic)-2_4_2
00:00:00 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:00 WIF: Connecting to AP1 Routerzinho in mode 11N as Aquecimento_Vestiario…
00:00:01 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:02 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:03 WIF: Attempting connection…
00:00:04 WIF: Connected
00:00:04 DNS: Initialized
00:00:04 HTP: Web server active on Aquecimento_Vestiario.local with IP address
00:00:04 HTP: Main Menu
00:00:04 APP: (UTC) Thu Mar 21 11:41:47 2019, (DST) Sun Mar 31 02:00:00 2019, (STD) Sun Oct 27 03:00:00 2019
12:41:49 MQT: Attempting connection…
12:41:57 MQT: Connected
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/LWT = Online (retained)
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/cmnd/POWER =
12:41:57 MQT: Subscribe to Aquecimento\Vestiario/cmnd/#
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/INFO1 = {“Module”:“Sonoff Pow”,“Version”:“6.4.1(classic)”,“FallbackTopic”:“cmnd/Vestiario_DVES_3E51D5_fb/”,“GroupTopic”:“sonoffs”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/INFO2 = {“WebServerMode”:“Admin”,“Hostname”:“Aquecimento_Vestiario”,“IPAddress”:“”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/INFO3 = {“RestartReason”:“Software/System restart”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/RESULT = {“POWER”:“OFF”}
12:41:57 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/POWER = OFF
12:41:57 HTP: Console
12:42:01 APP: Boot Count 26
12:42:01 CFG: Saved to flash at F7, Count 69, Bytes 3584
12:42:05 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/STATE = {“Time”:“2019-03-21T12:42:05”,“Uptime”:“0T00:00:22”,“Vcc”:3.486,“SleepMode”:“Dynamic”,“Sleep”:50,“LoadAvg”:19,“POWER”:“OFF”,“Wifi”:{“AP”:1,“SSId”:“Routerzinho”,“BSSId”:“00:06:91:A9:7D:C0”,“Channel”:1,“RSSI”:92}}
12:42:05 MQT: Aquecimento\Vestiario/SENSOR = {“Time”:“2019-03-21T12:42:05”,“ENERGY”:{“TotalStartTime”:“2019-03-16T17:35:54”,“Total”:0.001,“Yesterday”:0.000,“Today”:0.000,“Period”:0,“Power”:0,“ApparentPower”:0,“ReactivePower”:0,“Factor”:0.00,“Voltage”:0,“Current”:0.000}}
Sonoff Parametrers
And this is what’s in the integration page of the hassio
I think this is when hassio discovered the device
For what I can read on the logs, it seems to me that sonoff has connected, but nothing appears on hassio
in the mosquitto logs I see:
|-- url=
I don’t know where that is coming from. I ran:
grep -i 8080 /config/.storage
and didn’t come up with any results
Anyone know what is going on with that port, and if that is causing any problems?
Can anyone help