Hassio not suitable for offline environments (no local control, privacy second)?

…and which file? I installed picotts and all dependencies in my raspbian system - it contains more than just one file :roll_eyes: and where to bind it to?..

I’m also interested getting local TTS running. Did anyone ever succeeded doing this?

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Just flaming @flamingm0e? :roll_eyes: You have no idea if this setup works - right?

No idea. As I stated before, HASSIO is a poor example of a completely offline Home Assistant install. Regular docker, that you have control over, would be a much better option, and then you can mount anything you like.

I generally agree with this and use regular HA in Docker myself but the allure of the hassio add-ons does have me wanting to switch over at times.

The problem with non-hassio is that I just don’t know how to create my own dockerfiles to run some of the apps that don’t already have a (good/working) docker image available.

As an example, I was looking at the NUT UPS add-on recently to try to figure out how to create a working docker image but it’s beyond me how the dockerfile is created by the author of the add-on and how I can make this work outside of hassio.

Yeah, I know. I already saw that. That’s what I was referring to when I said I had looked at it.

The problem is I don’t understand how to translate that dockerfile as listed there into a working image that then integrates into HA.

I’ve researched a bit on it but what I’ve found hasn’t been clear enough to me to make it “click” on how it’s done.

Any links to any good tutorials? Even better would be specifically related to that as it relates to HA.

It doesn’t need to integrate with HA.

You can use any nut ups docker container and accomplish the same thing. You’re merely connecting to an IP/host running the software. It’s over a tcp/IP connection.

Just use a premade docker image.

Get out of that mindset. It’s just another application running on the network.

I thought before the limitation was the hassOS shipped with HASSIO. Because hassOS had no way to install picoTTS. As mentioned in this thread the idea would be to install HASSIO on raspbian and install picoTTS in raspbian (exactly what I did). I don’t have a clue why it doesn’t work now… :no_mouth:

Any updates? Is picotts still broken on hassio? @flamingm0e got some information maybe?

picotts is indeed totaly broken in hassio :roll_eyes:

I don’t know any privacy friendly alternative, somebody does?

I think privacy first should be a fundamental principal of Home Assistant - for all contributors and users.

It is without doubt that the obscene profits of companies like Google and Facebook are from selling the private information of internet users like you and me. Almost daily, we hear about privacy breaches from these and other companies. We also hear about how our devices are methodically taken over and used in zombie farms to attack web sites for profit, or for State political purposes.

Amongst this rolling disaster, there is no reason to succumb to the trinkets being offered in return for turning belly-up.

Even if you don’t care about your privacy (you should), that is not a justification for making use of the services they dangle before you: ‘use me, use me, and I will collect every last scintilla of information about you, store it without respect, acknowledgement, or permission for the rest of eternity, then sell it on to advertisers’.

Wired says Google knows more about you than Facebook. Why would anbody want anything to do with them? Why would you put Chrome on your computer, knowing that it is a direct hose for Google to suck up all your data, photos, emails.
Every last piece of information you have.
Every last thing that makes you you.

Still the question for me. How is Hass.io possible with a privacy resecting local (:cloud: free) tts in 2019?

We must give up the trinkets and cheap voice ‘assistants’ (they are really microphones).
We must think privacy first.

TTS is relatively simple (compared to interpreting spoken words) and should be easy enough to do locally with a little Google-fu and some know how. Just need to find the right TTS library and then hook it up to Hassio with duct tape and twine :joy:


Hi all ,
I really need help from you guys, currently I have installed hassio onto sd card and completed the initial setup but now I want to use it without an internet connection i.e. using locally with a wireless router which is not connected to internet.
However whenever I try this I keep getting an error mentioned below and the addons such as “Ha dashboard” and “mosquito MQTT” do not start at boot. I have to manually go and start the addons indivisually inspite of the option “start on boot” turned on.
Can anyone please suggest what can be done…??

Error Message :
19-09-21 20:43:31 WARNING (MainThread) [hassio.tasks] Watchdog found a problem with Home Assistant Docker!

Anytime and everytime I get this msg my addons dont start automatically. What can be done to make them start automatically ?

Don’t use Hassio


Should be easy… That’s theory boy… Problem is that picoTTS (which is a fire and forget on a pip based ha install on a linux machine) is totally broken on hassio.

As far as I know their is NO local & privacy respecting (offline) TTS available on/for hassio. Or does your google bubble shows something else you want to share with the world @TravelinMax?

I just read this today…

(Scroll to the bottom)

Almond? I think it has simply nothing to do with local (offline) tts…