I wish to power down my pi running hassio, appears that shutdown
over ssh does not work (although reboot
does). How to safely shutdown the pi?
SOLVED: appears that hassio host shutdown
works but with a couple mins delay before shutdown
Would be nice functionality to have. However a shell script can also be used
I have the same issue, please detail how you shut it down?
Physically unplug the power
it’s exactly the same when you ssh into the Pi in raspbian… there is a 1 minute delay if you say sudo shutdown. You can make it immediate if you sudo shutdown now.
Problem is, HassOS doesn’t recognize sudo or shutdown, and hassio host shutdown and the host shutdown in the Home Assistant hass.io tab gives an error.
Power off is the only way I can get it to shut down.
If you ssh in on port 22222 it should be able to shutdown properly… but I can’t test that. Pulling the plug is always going to end in grief at some point…
The HassOS cli doesn’t use “hassio host shutdown” like the ResinOS one did…it’s just “host shutdown”. I can SSH in on port 22222 and then
ha stop
host shutdown
and it works fine.
I restart HA all the time from the Configuration-General tab, but I have never tried to reboot or shutdown the host from the Hassio-System tab. I didn’t realize that was there! Next time I need to shutdown the Pi I’ll try it out.