Change “My Awesome Wifi Ssid” to the SSID of your wireless network and “super_secret_wifi_password” to be the correct WiFi password in the example i gave above.
The only other thing I can think of is are you using wpa-psk as your security on your WiFi?
Yes. I got it working. It was just surprising to me that it could not be done from an ssh terminal. Sorry for the late reply. Thanks for the assistance.
Hi all, I can’t login with wifi, configuration as above. Are there any resin logs? I haven’t found yet, but they would help very much. Is there any chance to change the wifi without always moving the sd card from raspbian to pc (like It takes very long just to try if parameter tweaks have any effect.
I was able to connect to wifi using the NetworkManager interface at the command line while booted in the pi. Key was to have my pi connected to a keyboard and monitor rather than through ssh. When it boots, login as “root” to get to the HASSIO application, then at the hassio prompt, type “login” and it will dump you to the shell prompt of the OS.
Once there, you can connect to a wifi access point via:
nmcli d wifi connect <WiFiSSID> password <WiFiPassword>
that will connect you and generate a file /etc/NetworkManger/system-connections/ all filled in for you
Thanks @baharris18 for the assist. I wanted to change my SSID and password as well, without editing the SD card and found the network manager command to work, with a slight tweak: `nmcli d wifi connect “my ssid” password “my_password” . I had a terminal and keyboard already set up so it was easy to access the PI command line from the terminal console.
I’ve been testing/settting up home-assistant at my apartment in preparation for moving it (and me) aboard my sailboat. The SSID that I will be connecting to on the boat is not available here at the apartment, and I don’t have a keyboard/monitor available at the boat.
When you run the “nmcli d wifi connect”, it assumes that the wireless network is available at the time that you run the command… (sigh).
Any ideas on how to configure this without the SSID being available?
I am having the same error but i dont have the fiels you are talking about to change the wifi.
Error: connection activation failed: (7) Secrets were required but i do not have a
system-connections/resin-sample to edit nor the directory Ideas?
You can create the following folder structure directly on the SD card: CONFIG\network and add the file my_network with the content as specified above, adapted with your ssid, password , etc.
At least that works for me.
Your suggestion is the cream of the crop! The nmtui command beats every other guide when wanting to configure a WIFI network when already connected to cable!
Worked for me as well, but I used the following file structure in the boot partition: CONFIG/network/my-network (according to article and placed the contents of your script into this ‘my-network’ file. Worked for me, thanks Per4merKC!