Hassio with not UI access

Hello, I am running home assistant:
OS Version: Home Assistant OS 6.6
Home Assistant Core: 2021.11.5

On a Raspberry Pi 3B+ and an attached SSD. Static ip address, and I disabled ip V6 in hassio.

Since the last 3 releases my Home assistant disconnects every 2 to 3 hours but 95% of the time I can see it in my router and I can ssh into it, but no web UI and all the automations stop working. I am running Duckdns and Letsencrypt and MariadB.

I saw several posts around the community, but no solutions so far, the best one was to delete the entire db.
When I try to check the logs, I can’t find any info about what made it stop, since I always have to reboot to gain access to the ui and the log only shows me info since the last reboot.
Is there any option so I can see past events in the log?
Did anyone runned into similar issues and was able to solve them?

Thanks :slight_smile: