Hassos 10 guide for NFS mount?

So I saw in the release notes that as of Home Assistant OS version 10 there is support for mounting NFS.
I would like to do this to enable the Frigate Add-on to store it’s data on an external NFS-server.

Are there any recent documentation or guides on how to do this?

I’ ve been looking for the same answer.
Update at the end
My setup is:
HASSOS on PROXMOX, network share and Frigate

  • Home Assistant 2023.5.3
  • Supervisor 2023.04.1
  • Operating System 10.1
  • Frontend 20230503.3 - latest

running under pve in container (size:32GB) and the fileserver (Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)) in lxc with Cockpit. The shared dirs everywhere else are working (smb and nfs with full access and Timemachine also)

I have Cams, and Frigate add-on installed (not supporting volume settings).

  • (Full Access)
  • Current version: 0.12.0

The recordings and clips should not to be saved to HAOS container.

What i tried

mount -t nfs4 -o rw /media/frigate

result allways the followings:
Read-only and didn’t mount it

mount: /media/frigate: cannot mount read-only.
dmesg(1) may have more information after failed mount system call.

Now google is my friend, and searched the web and found the followings:

After the research :slight_smile: AFAK, the OS is running in a docker container on the host. Changes aren’t visible to other add-ons and not permanent. → if succesed

This is the only way to mount nfs share, mentioned in this post: Mounting NAS Shares for Frigate in Home Assistant OS or exists a more UserFriiendly method?

Help would be appritiated

Reading the [SOLVED] HASSOS mount NAS network share topic first post and than this one

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Have u tried to sh into the docker container and mount from there?

I did by doing this: and worked since…its not nfs4 but it clears out the issue with the container

mount_frigate_nas: ssh root@ip -p 22222 -i /ssl/private_key -o “StrictHostKeyChecking=no” -C “mkdir -p /mnt/data/supervisor/media/frigate && mount -t cifs -o username=user,password=‘password’,domain=workgroup //ip/Recordings/frigate /mnt/data/supervisor/media/frigate

You just need to achive the access i to the container which is also explained in one of the subjects…cant find it while typing this answer but will see if i can add it in a second

I followed the links but the guides are all dated before the 10.0 release.
According to the release notes for Homes Assistant 10 was released on 17 April 2023 and it had this:
Add support for NFS and SMB/CIFS network file systems (#2446)

So my assumption is that there is now a easier way to do this, but maybe there are no guides yet?

The guide is correct, I tried and have success.
As I wrote before, I use HASSOS in proxmox container, and I have an empty ubuntu container for testing purposes.
I stpped HA an modified the ubuntu srv conf to mount hassos disk.
I modified the fstab for my needs, because I use nfs share.
So the relevant fstab row is:

<NASIP>:/<NASSHARE>  /mnt/data/supervisor/media  nfs  auto,nofail,noatime,nolock,tcp,actimeo=1800,x-systemd.after=network-online.target  0  0

Stopped ubuntu, and started HASSOS container and voila:

[core-ssh ~]$ ls -la /media/frigate
total 7264
drwxrwxrwx    5 nobody   nobody        4096 May 18 18:53 .
drwxrwxrwx    3 nobody   nobody        4096 May 18 14:25 ..
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   nobody        4096 May 14 21:00 clips
-rwxrwxrwx    1 nobody   nobody     7286784 May 14 22:17 frigate.db
-rwxrwxrwx    1 nobody   nobody       32768 May 18 18:53 frigate.db-shm
-rwxrwxrwx    1 nobody   nobody       90672 May 18 18:53 frigate.db-wal
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   nobody        4096 May 14 20:59 recordings
drwxrwxrwx    2 nobody   nobody        4096 May 14 21:18 snapshots

The listed files and folders are on my NFS server

The whole process summarized in HASSOS NAS

Reminder guyz, after update of HA may change the fstab again. For now the option with automated script works for me fine, some time back i updated the script to have logs and take fstab from RW partition.
And as mentioned, Changes aren’t visible to other add-ons if you do it differently.
Working solution:

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