Running into an issue with the Sonoff Zigbee 3.0 dongle plus, stock firmware running on HassOS (core-2022.4.7).
Device: Asus Tinkerboard
When I plug in the device, nothing appears in HA.
I did some research and was able to find that HA does see it via Terminal in dev/serial/by-id/
I have read about permissions being an issue, but I do not have the same commands available (or don’t know how to get to them) when running HassOS (others are using Linux variants, or containers).
If anyone has experience with this, would love to get it to work.
I have updated it using FLASH-PROGRAMMER-2 — SmartRF Flash Programmer v2.
I had to install the drivers for Windows 11 (CP210x_Universal_Windows_Driver) prior.
I tried using the Itead software to update the description, but it ‘could not find’.
I would like to use ZHA not MQTT if possible.
Any further thoughts based on updated information?
The information you just posted above, looks good. The device is seen on path /dev/ttyUSB0.
I just re did my zigbee network from scratch, using the same dongle, and I have also updated the firmware on it.
I don’t know if you had ZHA already installed. I did, so I had to delete it, then read add it. When I re-added it, it saw the dongle on /dev/ttyUSB0 immediately.
Under 2022.5.0: if you go to Settings > Devices & Services, do you see the ZHA integraions on the Integrations tab? If not, you have to add the integration.
@pmulkins Are you sure that you did not connect the same serial device path in another or an existing integration or application?
If you have then that serial path will be locked until you disable or stop that other integration/application.
Can test if you can communicate with the Z-Stack application firmware on the USB adapter using zigpy-znp command tools on a different computer just to see if the adapter and application firmware work?
You could for example try NVRAM reset (a.k.a. factory reset) of the ZNP by erasing the NVRAM entries in it by running one of the following command: python -m /dev/serial/by-id/your-radio
It must already have the correct description as otherwise the by-id serial path would not read “Itead…”, so there should be no reason for you to try to update the USB description again.
Yeah if it is seen under hardware in the supervisor then should have permission and should be able to either add it manually using either /dev/ttyUSB0 or dev/serial/by-id/usb-Itead_Sonoff_Zigbee_3.0_USB_Dongle_Plus_0001-if00-port0 as device path or alternatrivly even let Home Assistant OS and ZHA auto discovering the USB adapter (if have not already installed ZHA or something else is using that device / serial port device path).
Oh man, I feel like an idiot.
Ok, yes, I had ZHA already installed as I was going from the SONOFF ZBBridge (which was NOT reliable) to the slightly more reliable dongle…
It got me thinking, so I deleted it, then re-added ZHA, as a result it was seen immediately.