Hassos-rpi4-64-5.13 new install can't be found via browser

Hi everyone,

I just dove in to HA world today with a new RPi 4 B, I installed hassos.rpi4-64.5.13 using the RPi Imager and booted up my new device.

After about 20 minutes, homeassistant.local:8123 nor myip:8123 nor myip will connect, giving me a connection refused error in Chrome, Firefox, and Edge(!) in Windows 10.

myip pings fine. I attempted to SSH in to the RPi and it eventually timed out since there isn’t a key, which was expected.

I have done the dumb checks like reboot the RPi, reboot my laptop, changed network cables, and all that fun stuff.

Does it matter that my laptop is on wireless 5G AC and the RPi is on ethernet? Other posts made me think that MDNS resolution can be funky between wired and wireless, hence why I tried the IP, to no avail.

Thanks for the assistance!

Plug in a keyboard and monitor and take a look. What do you see?

It gets me to the ha > terminal but I can’t get any network info load, every command gives me “Error: System is not ready with state: setup”

I’ve tried 32-bit as well with the same result.

Try flashing again - not a good solution, but may be quickest.

Thanks, will do. I ran the RPi OS to update the eeprom, too.

That worked, but now I have a setup error with Docker.