Having a bad day... needing help with webhooks

Hi all,

Looking for a bit of help please. Some time ago I got some help using webhooks and got the following set up

(apologies for the picture, I can’t get copy and paste to work on my phone just now)

However its stopped working (there have been a few updates and reinstalls since it was last used).
The error i get is

Logger: homeassistant.components.automation.webhook_setup
Source: helpers/script.py:1122
Integration: Automation ([documentation](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/automation), [issues](https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant/issues?q=is%3Aissue+is%3Aopen+label%3A%22integration%3A+automation%22))
First occurred: 8:56:29 AM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 8:56:29 AM

Webhook Setup: Error rendering event data template: UndefinedError: 'dict object' has no attribute 'jason'

The automation works if I trigger it manually, ha appears to see that the webhook has been sent so I have tasker set right (I assume).

But I’ve no idea whats wrong here.

Any help in pointing out what is probably sitting right in front of my face would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Can you please show an example of one of the tasker webhook events?

I also see that you use trigger.jason.who and trigger.json.where, I assume you want both to be trigger.json.xxx, that’s also what the error says.

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Hi Burningstone, thanks for your reply.

I’ve set tasker up as in this post from a while ago,

And as you’ll see the automation is there also… it worked before but I can’t find what I’ve done wrong, or whats changed since then to make it stop working now.

As I pointed out, it’s json not jason.

But taking another look at the automation you posted, I don’t understanf what you are doing. You trigger on a webhook ‘emergency_signal’ to create another webhool and this other webhook you reaf in your second automation, I don’t uneerstand this. Why not trigger the second automation directly from the ‘emergency_signal’ webhook?

Thank you… I literally slapped my forehead when I read that… knew it was something simple that I couldn’t see…

The automation is not my work (as I’m sure you’ll have guessed even without the other post) but as I was told the reason for the first automation is so that I can use the same webhook for multiple things, I just change the who and where.

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