Having trouble with fibaro z wave rgb controller after .42. Latest updates have not fixed it

So I think this issues started with .42, but Im not entirely sure.
I have a fibaro z wave LED controller that I have been turning on with the following scene:

      state: on
      brightness: 10
      rgb_color: [255, 0, 0]

Since .42, if I add the RGB paramater, the light wont turn on. I just updated to .43 in the hopes the z wave fix would fix this issue but it doesnt seem to.

Looking at the entity page, I also dont see a lot of the attributes that I swear used to be there (such as nothing talking about brightness or RGB). Anyone else having this issue or any idea whats going on?

Sorry to bump this thread, but does anyone have any idea how to fix this?

Try …18_0:
Mine works fine with the _0 entity.

What version of hass are you on? Is this what your entity looks like or do you have more information there, under attributes? Using 18_0 has the same problem. I dont even have the color picker on the front end anymore.

Latest 44.1. Looks the same.
Check the logs, does it have this error?

TypeError: expected bytes, str found

If so take a look here.