Hayward AquaLogic / ProLogic automation

That is awesome! Thanks for your work.

Like you, I live in the great white north (I’m 60 mins west of T.O.) and my pool is shutdown for the winter, but I’m excited to dig into this come April/May.

My hope is I’ll be able to run a cable from what I suspect is the RS485 port on my ProLogic board – still no definitive answer on that yet to my earlier post – and connect it to an RS485-to-USB adapter plugged into my Home Assistant host. This FTDI-based adapter looks promising.

Does that appear like it should work, from a hardware perspective?


Should work. I have used the official FTDI cable (USB-RS485-WE-1800-BT) successfully on other projects.

Thanks for your work @swilson! Quick question on a problem I wonder if anyone else is experiencing. My status updates will work for about a day and then will stop updating until I reboot my home assistant server. Any thoughts on what might be causing this? I am using an esp8266 flashed with ESP-link and an inexpensive rs-485 converter. I have a stable wifi connection to esp-link so I do not think that is the problem. TIA for any ideas or assistance the community can provide.


Hello i am new here i would like to do this project already have all the parts needed rpi and rs485 adaptor can you like give me details on steps how to get it done

I have the exact same model. Did you get it to work. I’m very interested on putting mine to work with Home assistant


Sadly I have not been able to get this integration working on my AquaRite+. My next idea was to try communicating with MODBUS protocol (over the same Tx/Rx wires and USR W600 interface) but that project is a bit daunting.

Instead I gave up and bought the factory wifi module, but that Home Assistant integration isn’t working right now. Vistapool Integration

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Hey guys, the discussion was a great read, thanks to everybody contributing here.

I have a question question for you. If I already have the AquaConnect Home module, can I connect on the COM port behind it ? Wondering if that’s an option considering it’s a much easier connection that running a cable to the opposite of my yard.

By the way, I’m coming from SmartThings and I had coded a device handler based on the Web console coming from the Home Module, so I may try to go down that route again at least as a temporary solution. It was not perfect because of the architecture of the module (no sensor information other than on the screen lines) but I was able to get the information and send commands.

Which AquaConnect module are you referring to? AQ-CO-HOMENET or AQ-CO-SERIAL?


Couldn’t find any documentation on the AQ-CO-HOMENET serial port, so no idea.

I’d like to add the pool/spa switch feature, I’ve downloaded the latest pull from github, extracted the “aqualogic” folder in the zip file to the /config/custom_components directory on my system and rebooted but I don’t see any updates/changes, it seems like my system is still using the default one that comes with the standard HA build. Is there some other trick to getting that switch to show up?

I too am having trouble trying to override the default HA Aqualogic files.
My HA is inside a Docker Container.
My files are as follows
├── aqualogic (folder)
│ ├── core.py
│ ├── sensor.py
│ └── switch.py
├── configuration.yaml
├── secrets.yaml
└── scripts.yaml

This works to override the core.py file but not the switch.py or sensor.py. I have also tried using a custom_components folder with aqualogic inside that but nothing works.

Anyone know where to put the new files to override the built in component?

Thanks and as always @swilson excellent work on this!!

I am running hassos on a Raspberry Pi and for whatever reasons, I needed to put all of the latest PR files into /config/aqualogic and /config/custom_components/aqualogic in order to override everything correctly. No idea why but it was working the last time I had this up and running. I have since used it less as I can’t get a reliable connection out of my adapter (it drops about once a day and it doesn’t look like this re-tries connection after it’s been successful). I have no idea how to code a retry after, say, 5 minutes of dropped connection or the best practices surrounding that sort of thing.

Also had to update line 25 of sensor.py to be


instead of


due to some changes in HA itself.

Hi…all…I’ve been assisting a colleague of mine which is new to HA and we have read through this thread as much as we can can to understand the integration. We decided to use the Elfin-EW11A for ease of use of being wireless to communicate back to his network. Setup was fine and we are communicating back to HA. We can see the data in HA (i.e spa & pool temp, etc) However when we try to toggle pool lights or any of the other switches in HA it immediately toggles back. When we use the Aqualogic hand remote to turn on the pool, etc, we do see the changes in HA (toggle back and forth). Any guidance is appreciated. We understand the wireless adapter is a non-standard in this integration and we have not ruled that out being an issue. Our next step if not able to resolve is to use the mentioned ethernet adapter( USR-TCP232-304). In addition, we are on Home Assistant OS and not sure if we are using your latest update and if not how do we install/update our files with your latest if that may resolve the issue. I don’t see any files related to Aqualogic in our HA file structure or not familiar with the install structure.

Thanks again and outstanding work… @swilson

Are you using the default integration that comes with HA or the integration from swilson’s latest PR? I believe somewhere between the built-in integration and the PR integration he switched from emulating wired key presses to preferring emulating wireless key presses which are much more reliable in my experience for triggering the controller to make changes.

I’ve added a new PR to just pull the latest aqualogic library, which will hopefully get integrated soon (https://github.com/home-assistant/core/pull/48119). Support for the new switches etc. is still blocked pending the configuration conversion.


The latest library should re-try the connection if it detects it has dropped.


@swilson as always you are an absolute champion. You need a ‘buy me a coffee’ link somewhere!

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This is awesome. Whatever you have done between last summer and now has made my switches work 100% of the time!

Question: IDK anything about pull requests or anything, but I’m looking forward towards tracking when my heater is activated, or changing the pool/spa button. Is there something I can do to “update” to the new version to have those things work?

Does anyone have somewhere they can point me to learn about how to implement the “core code”…I’d like to be able to “track” whether the heater is on, and also control the pool/spa button. I use the most junior version of HA, but can certainly upgrade to a docker (if that makes sense) or something more technical. I just want to read about it to learn. Thanks!