Hayward AquaLogic / ProLogic automation

That is the old app. Download the new one from the same Google Drive folder. It will have some more information that might help.


BTW, what is the “Main Software Revision” (diagnostic menu) of your AquaLogic?

Hey mark. I did that. The app just doesn’t load at all.
Rev software is 4.47

AquaLogic versions stopped at 2.86 so you must have a ProLogic and although there is some compatibility between the two, I have no idea if the implementation I put together would work or not but once we get the app working, we can check that.

As for the app not loading, I think I know what the issue might be. I disconnected my EW11 and got the same results. I needed some additional error checking in the app so I updated the app such that it will not fail when the device cannot be found and will display an error instead. It should run now after it checks the IP address but it sounds like for some reason, it is not finding the UART IP/Port. It might be because it is a new app so you have to change the IP/Port again after it loads. So you should be able to do that now. As you can tell, I still need to do some more work on error checking.

All that makes sense for sure. I’ll re do 8tnand check again. Thanks for helping me mark. I’m just not smart at this kinda stuff

Loads now. And yes sir. Connection error

Ok, the app is not connecting to the device for some reason. The new software pings the device and it cannot find it. Did you check the IP address to make sure it is correct?

Also, open a web browser on the same PC as the app and enter the IP address of the EW11. You should see the login page for the EW11. admin/admin is the user/pw.

Login worked perfect going to the IP address

Here is what I see

I’m just looking through it
I’m seeing two different IP addresses
System state shows which is the static IP assigned
NetP shows

Not sure if that matters ?
I’m logging into .63

Did you set a static IP address?

I don’t have an IP address in the second spot. Try that address in the APP.

Not sure why it has a different IP address there. It shouldn’t because the EW11 is in TCP-Server mode.

Post a pic of the IOTService “Device Settings” window.

Yes sir I did. Figured that would help.

Here are the photos

So I did a full reboot of the ew11
That extra IP is no longer there

Could I also get a snap shot of the Detail page in IOTService?

It wasn’t clear from your response if you tried this:

-Try the 67 IP address in the AquaLogic App

-Try the 67 IP address as the static IP and in app

Next step would be to delete that socket in the setup and recreate it.

Hopefully one of those fixes the issue. My theory is that the 63 address is pointing only to device management and the 67 address to the netp socket which is what the app requires. Why they are different on your EW11 is unknown. I read over the documentation again but there is no hint why that is different.

One other thing I noticed is that we are at different versions for the EW11 firmware. Shouldn’t matter but another thing to try.


Updated firmware
Def tried that .67 , nothing different.
I guess I’m just a fluke. I guess.

Figured I’d add the others ones. Just in case.

The pic shows a firmware of 1.42.8. Firmware should be 1.43 if you updated it.

Also, the IP shows .63, not .67.

But I was looking specifically for the Detail page from IOTService, not the web page.

Also, I noticed that you have two sockets. “Pool” and “netp”. That could be causing an issue. You should have only one TCP-Server socket.

BTW, every time you make a change to the EW11, you need to restart it or the changes may not be implemented.

Got the firmware fixed. There was multiple firmwares in that download. My mistake

It shows the .67 sometimes and I have no idea.

I think I’m done. Thank you mark for all your help here. I’m throwing in the towel.

Sorry we couldn’t get it working but I am pretty sure the issue is with the EW11 configuration.

FYI, I figured out what the second IP actually is. It is the IP address of the device connected to the EW11. Your PC IP address must end in .67. So it looks like there was a connection to your PC at the time those pictures were captured.

I checked on my system and “IP” does not populate with IOTServce but it does with the APP and TCPUDPDbg which makes sense since that field is under the ‘netp’ communication state which is socket based.

Unfortunately, this doesn’t offer any clues as to why the app or HA cannot connect to the EW11 on your system.

Thanks mark. You are a gentleman for helping me !!