been a while since we met here… but since we discussed the new updating of templates own this thread most fundamentally, and dev’s asked us to post possible left over issues, I do believe I found one…
It is related to the frontend, but testing this in the dev tools template seems to bug the system. It doesnt kill it (completely), like some did before, but still, comes awfully close:
title: Hue & Trädfri batteries
class: class-header-margin
- type: custom:hui-element
card_type: markdown
style: |
ha-card.type-markdown {
margin: -8px -16px;
box-shadow: none;
content: >
Batteries below threshold:
{% set batteries = expand(integration_entities('Ikea Trådfri'),integration_entities('hue'))
|selectattr('attributes.device_class','eq','battery') %}
{%- set alert_level = states('input_number.battery_alert_level')|int(default=0) %}
{%- for b in expand(batteries)
if b.state|int(default=0) < alert_level %}
{{-}} in {{ area_id(b.entity_id)|title }} : {{b.state}} %
{% endfor %}
and was even worse when using
{% set batteries = expand(integration_entities('Ikea Trådfri'),integration_entities('hue'))
|selectattr('attributes.device_class','eq','battery') %}
{%- set alert_level = states('input_number.battery_alert_level')|int(default=0) %}
{%- for b in expand(batteries)
if b.state|int(default=0) < alert_level %}
{{-' Battery')[0]}} in {{ area_id(b.entity_id)|title }} : {{b.state}} %
{% endfor %}
when this is tested and reloaded after an edit, I can see the system swirl for some time, and, happened more than a few times now, take out the Ping integration, notifying me of all of my Hubs going offline…
now the is a bug in itself, 1 Ping sensors takes out all others (there’s an issue for that since long), but this does seem like a case for the core dev template team…
related to
Hope Amelchio is still around to have a look, thanks!