Heater Automation

Oh. Yes. Physical thermostat. Sorry. Should have made that clear.

still don’t get how it goes together with

The thermostat panel in Home Assistant displays the set point, current temperature, current status and mode (heat, cool, auto, off) that the physical thermostat reports over the zwave network. Changing the set-point slider or mode in the thermostat panel in Home Assistant transmits those changes over the zwave network and causes the physical thermostat to change.

My problem seems to be that the only change that the thermostat transmits real-time is the current temperature. It doesn’t send a message over the network when it triggers the heater to turn on or off, so the status on the Thermostat panel in Home Assistant doesn’t reflect the actual status of the physical thermostat, and consequently, automations that trigger off thermostat state don’t get triggered when the physical thermostat state changes.

My strategy to solve the problem is to see if I can send a zwave status update request to the thermostat any time it reports a change in temperature. That should update the current status which should trigger my automations.

is there a way to change the report type to send in the zwave control panel for your thermostats node?

I don’t have any thermostats but I’ve had to change the reports types on a couple of aeotec switches because they wouldn’t send the state changes to the controller if I switched them from the physical wall switch input.

LOL! I woke up last night and realized that this IS the answer! I’ve been overthinking the solution.

The one thing my physical thermostat does right is send live temperature updates. All I need to do is configure the generic_thermostat to match the set point and tolerance of my physical thermostat and it should give me exactly what I need.

Was it the right guess? :wink:

Pretty sure this was what I was indicating when I started in on this.
And no you are still a bit off base with it.
Let’s assume your network is z-wave (I know its not but this should be implemented across other protocols too)
As @finity suggests you can set up a ‘node’ to talk to another ‘node’ eg say the hub is 0 your thermostat 1 and your control switch 2
Everything talks to the hub, but you can get node 1 to relay direct to node 2 that heating is required or not you have a system that works and controls to whatever values are set locally at the thermostat.
You can also send the setpoint to the thermostat and the same will happen.
You are having difficulty setting these values
I have a similar type of thermostat but I don’t care about its other functions, I just want the temperature.
I then use this temperature to tell the switch what to do.


Up until the point that I configured the generic thermostat using the REAL thermostat’s temperature sensor, the real thermostat was reporting every .5° change in temperature over the z-wave network.

As soon as I configured the climate device in Home Assistant, the real thermostat stopped reporting all whole numbers and now ONLY reports the changes in temp+.5°. So temp reports now go from 71.5° to 70.5° to 69.5°.

The real thermostat correctly kicks on the heat at 69°, but since it never REPORTS 69° over z-wave, my climate thermostat in Home Assistant never triggers the fireplace.

So now I’m back to my original request:

  1. How do I get the CT101 to report change in fan state?

Or 2. how do I trigger Home Assistant to ASK the CT101 thermostat for its fan state?

petereit: did you get this working? I have a CT 101 that doesn’t report fan state reliably. Trying to use the Integration - Automation UI to write a timed refresh of the node for thermostat, but not sure of the syntax/choices (state, condition, entity, etc)

I was able to do this in NodeRed. I have an hourly refresh sent to the tstats (3 of them) so I can read humidity, as it doesn’t report that regularly either.

I’m sorry I can’t help you directly from HA, but if you install NodeRed I can help. You will probably need to tinker with it a bit to understand it, but it’s pretty intuitive for an absolute noob such as myself.

Pic for reference:

Thanks for the reply. I actually figured out the syntax in Automations UI. It has to be “call-service/ zwave refresh node/ (data) node_id: XX”. I just had “node: XX”. Of course I just needed the one thermostat.
On a side note, I have Node-Red installed but somehow the “pallette” to get entities says it isn’t installed - it is. I lost interest in NR. I wrote a few simple flows (dashboard), but not sure how to integrate them into Home Assistant, Maybe when I’m feeling more industrious I’ll try again
I appreciate the help I’ve been given in the forums. Without it I would have given up or settled on everything