Heaty will die, Schedy be born!

if you dont want to see the entity you can always make it hidden.

edit: NEVERMIND see the much smarter way of installing dependencies below!

I have hass-apps running via Docker. I’ve created a Docker file in a directory.

me@bak:~$ cat ~/docker/appdaemon_custom/Dockerfile

FROM acockburn/appdaemon:latest

RUN pip install babel

RUN pip install hass-apps

and a simple Bash script to build me a new image based on the official appdaemon docker image:

me@bak:~/docker$ cat appdaemon_custom.sh 

docker pull acockburn/appdaemon:latest

docker build -t appdaemon_custom:latest appdaemon_custom/

This will pull the latest appdaemon image, add Babel (which I needed for another app) and the hass-apps. Now, you can run the Docker container based on this image:

docker run --name=appdaemon_custom -d -p 5050:5050 --restart=always \ 
-v ~/hass/homeassistant/appdaemon3/conf:/conf \
-v ~/hass/homeassistant/secrets.yaml:/conf/secrets.yaml \
-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \

Works like a charm :slight_smile:

@balk77 Cool, but since AppDaemon 3.0.2 came out some days ago, that’s no longer necessary. Just place one or more requirements.txt files somewhere below your apps directory and use the official image. It’ll then search for those files and call pip install --upgrade -r requirements.txt.

Ha nice, I read about it but didn’t quite understand it. Now it makes more sense to me.

Hi all,

I want to announce that the install and upgrade instructions have been updated to make installation on hass.io and plain Docker really seamless.

Try it yourself: https://hass-apps.readthedocs.io/en/latest

Best regards

Dear @roschi

First thanks for this awesome app. I have some questions:

  • is there the open window function in Shedy?
  • is there an example with all kind of configuration possibilities as I found just snippets and I have a bit pain to puzzle them together :slight_smile: (sorry my dum fault)

My Idea is is to configure Shedy as follows:

  • schedule for each room (bedroom, children’s room1 and children’s room 2)
  • reschedule global if someone “played” with the airconditioning
  • one children’s room is occupied only two weeks a month (would like having a schedule for this)
  • I would like having like a “master switch” to “turn off” Shedy if we are in holidays for example.
  • temperatue offset (I think it is delta but value of temperature seems “original” from my sensor in the logs - I might set offset temp in the sensor itself maybe. It’s a fibaro multisensor)

Well those are a lot of questions but maybe you can point me to the right direction.

Thanks so far mate :slight_smile:

Hi @thundergreen

  1. There won’t be open window detection built in. This is something easily doable with automations, even generically for multiple windows/rooms. I might add an example for it later.

  2. The configuration is explained in the documentation. Look at the indentation of each setting and you see to which block/section it belongs. Just use the sample configuration and insert actors and schedules as needed. Configuration samples for the actor types are there as well.

Basically, what you want is indeed possible with Schedy. You’ll just have to read the docs carefully, all of them. They’re meant as a kind of tutorial as well.

Best regards

Would be nice if you post an example for an automation with open windows. Well… I read the docs and it was nt clear for me that’s why I aksed :frowning:

don’t u have a complete config file to share?

Then I can learn from it better than having many snipets

Many snippets = 2. The sample-apps.yaml and the configuration sample for the actor type of your choice. Sorry, configurations can be so different, but they are really easy to read with their nice YAML syntax. Please try it yourself.

For the open window detection, I’ll try to create an example in the next days.

@thundergreen And if you have a concrete question about the configuration, feel free to ask, providing what you’ve got so far, but I won’t write a configuration for you - that’s what I already did in the sample-apps.yaml.

Thanks for your efforts will check the samples

I read your docs but there are some questions… firstly I don’t understand why nowhere cool is mentioned…then I wanted to know why in the docs it’s written operation mode heat and off if u talk about auto mode is necessary for this app. My account has auto mode

So my question is:

What operation modes does shedy use and doesnt it use them at all. And what is it about the auto mode and where and how can I set it or is it set by shedy?

In heaty I could also define operation mode “cool” to use it for cooling right? What happens in heaty with the open window? If I well understood it will stop th schedule…will it resume it once the window is closed again ?

The operation modes to configure depend on the type of thermostat used. The thermostat actor only distinguishes between two operation modes, one for on (opmode_heat) and one for off (opmode_off).

  1. For heat/off it’s easy. Just set the correct names with opmode_heat and opmode_off.

  2. For heat/cool/off it’s different because there has to be a mode that does heating/cooling based on the set temperature. That mode is usually called auto and if you have it, just configure it for opmode_heat.

I’ll probably rename opmode_heat to opmode_on in the near future to make the purpose clearer.

There’s no open window detection in Schedy and likely will never be. You’ll have to write two simple automations to achieve what you want.

Ok, opmode_heat is now opmode_on. For what it’S worth, I think this makes the purpose much clearer.

My question regarding the window open feature was fir heaty and I wanted to know how heaty reacts by closing the window…will it continue the schedule or last operation mode ?

Heaty will re-apply the schedule when a window is closed again.

But I strongly recommend to not use it for new deployments anymore. There’ll be no further updates.

Instead u think it’s be there going for shedy …well then I’ll wait the automation example for this :wink:

Schedy is an enhancement of Heaty. While not loaded with all of Heaty’s features, it’s much more flexible and future-proof. Not having code paths for all possible usecases one could think of makes it much easier to maintain and a lot more stable. The idea is not to reinvent the wheel and leave out those parts Home Assistant can handle fairly well.

@thundergreen Good luck. Here is the window detection example: https://hass-apps.readthedocs.io/en/latest/apps/schedy/tips-and-tricks.html#open-door-or-window-detection

thanks a lot … will report back :slight_smile: