Help configuring Sonoff switch (SNZB-01)


I’m running ZHA with a CC2531 stick flashed with Z-Stack 3.0.1.

I’ve got a Sonoff temperature sensor, and a Sonoff mini switch.

Both devices are paired to ZHA, and the temperature sensor is working perfectly fine.

However I can’t figure out how to configure the switch. The only entity it has is the battery level, and I’m not sure what to do. ZHA says “Device Type: EndDevice”. Should it say switch? I tried to change it following the instructions for “MODIFYING THE DEVICE TYPE” on the ZHA Home Assistant guide, but it didn’t seem to do anything.

Is there something obvious I’m missing? I’m pretty new to HA so not sure what I’m doing.

Web capture_7-1-2021_171843_homeassistant.local|690x345

This is the switch I bought

When I press the button on the switch, it updates the “device last seen” entry on device info, so it is definitely doing something

I’ve gone to events under developer tools, and then where it says ‘listen to events’, I typed zha_events and started listening. Then pressed the switch button, but nothing comes up. Again I’m unsure if I’m doing the right thing here.

If anyone else had this issue, for some reason when I was listening for ‘zha_events’ nothing was happening.

Instead just type ‘*’ into the listen box, then it detects the button presses. No idea why they don’t come up under zha_events

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I have the exact same problem. It will pair but only shows batter sensor and thats it. Dit you manage to get the switch working?

Yes read this

To see the button presses, go to developer tools, events, and in the box type in * then start listening (not zha_events). You should then see something come up when you press the buttons. Use the ‘device_ieee’ and ‘command’ to program the button presses in your automations