Help creating a template that will determine what gate is left open

Thanks so much. Do you know if there is a way I can use your code directly in a TTS message so I can add it to an automation?

  - service: tts.google_say
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_home
      message: ??
  - service: tts.google_say
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_home
      message: >
        {% set switches = [states.switch.plug_lamp, states.switch.server_plug_old] | selectattr('state','eq','off') | list %}
        {% if (switches | count) == 2 %}
          All switches are off.
        {% else %}
          {{ switches | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | join(' ') }} is off.
        {% endif %}

If there’s a possibility for both switches to be on then you will need to modify the template’s logic (handle the case when the count is zero). Otherwise, the template will produce no device name and say
" is off."

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Thanks again! The template will eventually be used on four gates and there could be a possibility that two could be open at the same time. I’m just testing it on my two switches as they are inside and easy to manipulate for testing.

got me thinking more wanted to know how to do it

 {%- set switches = ['light.hallway', ''] %}
 {{ states.light | selectattr('state','!=','on') | selectattr('entity_id', 'in', switches) | map(attribute='name') | join(', ') }}

found out name does displays the name

then came back here and @123 has the answer


 {%- set switches = ['light.hallway', ''] %}
 {{ states.light | selectattr('state','!=','on') | selectattr('entity_id', 'in', switches) | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | join(', ') }}


all you have to is make the switches array bigger

{%- set switches = [‘switch.gate1’, ‘switch.gate2’, ‘switch.gate3’, ‘switch.gate4’] %}

if gate1 and gate3 are off it will say

GATE1 GATE3 is off

Any chance you could re-look at the logic? If both switches are off, it reports correctly but if one is turned on, it currently tells me the one that is off but I need to know the one that is on?

        {% set switches = [states.switch.plug_lamp, states.switch.server_plug_old] %}
        {% if (switches | selectattr('state','eq','off') | list | count) == 2 %}
          All switches are off.
        {% else %}
          {{ switches | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | join(', ') }}
        {% endif %}

Thank you so much. Here is my final code.

  alias: 'Speak which gate is open'
  - service: tts.google_say
    entity_id: media_player.lounge_home
      message: >
        {% set gates = [states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_courtyard, states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_path_gate,
        states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_pool_gate, states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_steel_gate] %}
        {% if (gates | selectattr('state','eq','off') | list | count) == 4 %}
          All gates are closed
        {% else %}
          The following gates are open. The {{ gates | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | join(' and ') }}
        {% endif %}
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Here’s a minor refinement that adjusts the spoken phrase according to how many gates open. The changes are in the {% else %} section.

One gate:

The following gate is open. The Pool Gate.

More than one gate:

The following gates are open. The Pool Gate and Steel Gate.

      message: >
        {% set gates = [states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_courtyard, states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_path_gate,
        states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_pool_gate, states.binary_sensor.door_window_sensor_steel_gate] %}
        {% if (gates | selectattr('state','eq','off') | list | count) == 4 %}
          All gates are closed
        {% else %}
          {% set open_gates = gates | selectattr('state','eq','on') | list %}
          {% if open_gates | count > 1 %}
             {% set x = 'gates are' %}
             {% set y = ' and ' %}
          {% else %}
             {% set x = 'gate is' %}
             {% set y = '' %}
          {% endif %}
          The following {{ x }} open. The {{ open_gates | map(attribute='attributes.friendly_name') | join(y) }}.
        {% endif %}

Outstanding @123! Thank you. Your commitment to grammar is unparalleled and appreciated. :grin: Mods done!

Any chance you could hope over here and comment? Trying to get my head around sending TTS messages to devices that aren’t playing music using placeholders like '{{volume}}' and '{{tts}}' so I can refer to one script all the time but I’ve never done that before. Wife is going spare when my HA notifications interrupt her music.

I don’t have any media players which makes it impossible for me to test templates for them (or understand why a group of media players doesn’t report being on when one of them is playing). I have helped other people with their media player issues but I had a difficult time because I was mostly ‘flying blind’. All this to say that I can’t be very effective in this case.

Thanks, understood. I got the following to work but not quite sure about the '{{volume}}' and '{{tts}}' stuff but I’ll refer the other thread to see if I can work that out.

{%- if states.media_player.kitchen_home.state != 'playing' and
    states.media_player.insignia_speaker.state != 'playing' and                
states.media_player.kitchen_home.state != 'playing' %}
              {%- else %}
                  {%- set players = ['media_player.kitchen_home', 'media_player.insignia_speaker', 'media_player.lounge_home'] %}
                  {{ states.media_player | selectattr('state','!=','playing') | selectattr('entity_id', 'in', players) | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}
              {%- endif %}

This probably isn’t powerful enough for what you want but something I use to prevent my media players from trying to push out TTS messages at the wrong time is to include the following in my automation just before the TTS action:

wait_template: "{{ is_state('media_player.lounge_mini', 'off' or 'idle') }}"

which then makes the TTS wait until the media player isn’t actively playing something already

Thanks Dave. I need the notifications to happen instantly and just to ignore the GH devices that are actually playing music. I’m half way there so I’ll keep chipping on.

Let’s assume you have a group containing all your media_players. To get a list of which ones in the group are currently not playing, you can use this template:

{{ expand('group.media_players') | selectattr('state','!=','playing') | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}

The expand function was introduced in a recent version of Home Assistant (so it won’t work if you are using an old version).


Thanks, but doesn’t appear to work. Running 0.98.5. Running the code below in the template editor when one of the two speakers in the group is playing produces media_player.upstairs_homes. I would have thought this should have reported media_player.lounge_home in my case, the speaker that was not playing.

{{ expand('media_player.upstairs_homes') | selectattr('state','!=','playing') | map(attribute='entity_id') | join(', ') }}

In my use scenario though it might not be needed. The only time we invoke a group media call is for TTS notifications so it is unlikely, at least in our house, that the group would be playing music. If we do listen to music it tends to be just the GH in the zone we’re in.

The expand function is for expanding groups, not entities. Your template is attempting to expand an entity.

 expand('media_player.upstairs_homes')  <--- invalid

My bad! Thanks for the clarification. I think that will come in real handy for future automations.

Any chance you could tweak your code for my date_time sensor that notifies me of the minutes my devices are on?

I have this to use in a TTS data_template notification but;

{{ (as_timestamp(now())
              - state_attr('input_datetime.soldering_iron_start', 'timestamp'))
             |timestamp_custom('%M', false) | int }} minutes

If the value = 1, then the last word should ‘minute’ not ‘minutes’

Getting pedantic I know but I’m a stickler for detail. :crazy_face:

{% set x = (as_timestamp(now())
              - state_attr('input_datetime.soldering_iron_start', 'timestamp'))
             |timestamp_custom('%M', false) | int %}
{{x}} minute{{'' if x == 1 else 's'}}

As always, mind blown. Thank you! I’ll give that a go.