Help creating new snapshot via ssh

Can’t figure out how I can create new snapshot remotely via SSH. I can SSH in alright but if I try
ssh -p PORTNUMBER -l root IPADDRESS “ha snapsots new”
I get “Unexpected server response” with timestamp
Log reports
[] No API token provided for /snapshots/new/full
If I try to pass long-lived token with
ssh -p PORTNUMBER -l root IPADDRESS “ha snapshots new --api-token ‘TOKENSTRING’”
I still get “Unexpected server response” but log states
“Invalid token for access /snapshots/new/full”
I triple checked the token of course.
In HA terminal “ha snapshots new” works fine
I might be using the syntax for passing the token in ssh wrong. Can anyone please advise what needs to be changed. Thank in advance.

@tom_l has a nice list that helps with making backups.

There are many options to create and copy off your snapshots automatically:

To a NAS: Samba Backup: Create and store snapshots on a Samba share

To Goggle Drive: Add-on: Home Assistant Google Drive Backup

To DropBox: Add-on: Upload hassio snapshots to Dropbox

To NextCloud or S3: [New Addon] Snap-Shipper - Webdav and S3 backups (and probably other ways to later on)

Thanks a lot! I will definitely check those out (my idea was to rsync to NFS). Still if any comments how I must change the syntax, would appreaciate