Help for configure thermostat for increments the in half degree

I can set half degree increments on the thermostat but not through HA. If I set 21.5 º in the thersmostat, It show 21º in the card. The current temperature is showed fine.

I tried to set the attribute target_temp_step to 0.5 of the entity and I was able to upper in half degree. But inmediatily the attribute come back to last value and the target temperatute is set to 0 º


Any idea or suggestion to solved this issue?

Many thanks

In the Climate Config

  cold_tolerance: 0.1
  hot_tolerance: 0.1


Hi myle,

Many thanks for your reply. Where can I find the climate config?


mine in my climate.yaml file

Hi Myle,

I created the generic thermostat but It haven´t entities related therfore It can´t read the current temperature and it can´t manage the thermostate.

Probably there is a missconfiguration in climate config. Below the configuration


  • platform: generic_thermostat

    name: termostato_habitaciones

    heater: switch.termostato_habitaciones

    target_sensor: select.termostato_habitaciones_sensor

    min_temp: 15

    max_temp: 25

    ac_mode: false

    target_temp: 18

    cold_tolerance: 0.1

    hot_tolerance: 0.1

    initial_hvac_mode: “off”

    away_temp: 16

    precision: 0.1




is not a sensor :wink:

this will not work.

Hi BebeMischa,

I tried also with “target_sensor: sensor.termostato_habitaciones” and it doesn´t work. This is my thermostat with the entities releated.

How can add or releate this entities to the new thermostat?


You need to find out, why the thermostat does not provide a current temperature sensor.
What is the manufacturer / model?


target_sensor: sensor.something_that_is_reading_a_temperature

also I think its wanting a Sensor not a number helper


My thermostat is MOES BHT-002-GCLZB


Found some stuff about it, you can dive in. Maybe it helps…

and this: Moes BHT-002 Thermostat local control (Tuya based)

However, you can use any temperature sensor in the room… so if you have another device providing the temperature, just use that one :thinking:

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that would be my way too :wink:

I was able to upper half degree in thermostat customizing the entity. But when I selected a temperature with half degree the temperature is seted to 0º. Same problem if I configure an automation seting a temperarture with half degree.

Same problem