HELP! HA down. At ha> prompt

Yes. Unfortunately the ui won’t come up though to use it

Connect via SSH using Putty.

Or just video the screen scrolling past with your phone.


I did the iPhone video already but it was all blurry as it scrolled too fast!

I’ll try putty now.

Should my expectation be that I should be able to SSH to it from my developer workstation? ie the ip of Home Assistant, port 22?

I’m getting a connection error like ssh server is not running on Home Assistant

Yes port 22 is the default. Unless you changed it.

The SSH addon may not be running.

Try using | less or | most

I didn’t change the port away from 22. I don’t think the add on is running as I can’t connect.

From an ha> prompt is there a way to edit the files in the .storage folder?

nano path/filename.extension


vi path/filename.extension

path should be /config/.storage

Unfortunately at the ha> prompt I don’t have nano or vi.

Exit out of the Home Assistant CLI? (Ctrl +Z)

At the ha> prompt I can’t Control-Z out of it.

Attach the installation media (eMMC module/SD card) to your computer.

Copy off the snapshots (you may need Disk Internals Linux Reader, free).

Do a reinstall.

Restore the snapshot during onboarding.

I can do that. Never opened my Home Assistant Blue yet so that will be interesting.

Or see if you can edit the files on a linux PC or PC running a linux live CD.

It looks like the storage is hard soldered to the board on the Home Assistant Blue / ODROID-N2

I’m comfortable using a Live-CD but how would I connect the storage / MMC to it?


I’m out of ideas.

Extremely unlikely the eMMC would be soldered.
It seems to be the orange-y rectangle at the right (or the chip above, not sure). You should be able to remove it.

Now, you’ll need an adapter to be able to work with the eMMC on a desktop.
Something like (no personal experience)

I quickly tested this with a haos_ova-6.1 VM (VirtualBox, Linux - Home Assistant) and found that typing login at the ha > prompt gives me root shell access.

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I’m commenting here because I know there’s a way to either dump all of the restore file text to a text file output… OR to format it differently on screen so that the slugs are all visible.

I’m in the same boat as OP a few years ago. And I’ve restored from the HA prompt before by typing in ha snapshots something (something was something else, obviously), and being able to see all of my slugs so I could select the latest one.

I’m going to give the restore I did another hour before I do something drastic, but in the meantime I’m hoping someone can tell me what the command was that I’ve used at least once before! I’ll write it down somewhere this time…

If I understand correctly, you cannot see all of the slugs because the command’s output scrolls past the top of the screen and there’s no scrollback. If so, try this:

ha snapshots | less

I tried this today, and it does seem to work. Thanks!