I actually have been reading your blog quite a bit. I had a really hard time with presence when I was still using SmartThings and built a pretty elaborate Core Piston automation to look at Smartthings Presence, IFTTT, etc. They finally integrated Life360 so that at least worked for “Home” and “Away”.
When I moved to HA I did almost use Bayesian it when I was originally setting up HASS. I tried using OwnTracks, but I never could get it working well, at least on all my iOS devices. It seemed it got stuck in the background and didn’t update properly. So then I found this script for L360 that writes to my MQTT broker, which I then currently suck into HASS using the owntracks component
. I find this to work really well for my needs.
The only thing I want to fix is the “circle” only geofence shape. I have some zones that overlap if I use circles like our house and the school bus stop so I think using geofence will help with false alarms there.
Thanks again to both you and @nordlead2005 for all the help.