Help i lost all my flows

I updated to 16.01 this morning. Went in and every flow was gone! I tried a restore but the flows are gone.

Anyone know where they could be?

Yeah same deal with me! What is this cr*p?

Just checked my installation and all mine have gone too.

Just restored my full backup from last night and all is now back, it was the Node-Red 16.0.2 update from 15.1.1. I have just applied that seems to have deleted the flows, I have now exported them and will re run the update and import them, thanks for the warning in the notes guys!

Same here,
Lucky me had a node red flows backup. Though not last night changes where there.

See After update to 16.0.0 all flows and notes are gone - #9 by NathanCu


Crazy thing !!! The same happened to me /w 16.02
Anyway to correct this without using a backup ?

Ok, this is how I solved it (no HA core backup restored or w/e):

Update node-red to 16.0.2

Install Samba addon.
Set password in samba

Go to a file explorer (windowskey+E) and enter in the search-bar \YOURHOMEASSISTANT_IP_ADDRESS

Enter the username & password you just set for samba

For me, this shows:

For me, I went to the “backup” folder, and looked for the latest .tar file (sort from new to old) that was larger than 10KB.

Open that folder

Open “configs”

Now you see this folder

Open the .flows.json.backup with a text-editor, and copy the contends (this is your node-red config!).

Save it to a new file - called “flows_backup_thank_mfing_god.json”

Now open Node-red in Homeassistant

import flows


I’m not 100% sure this is all latest changes, but I think it’s at least 98%

Hope this helped some1


It helped a lot! At least I had a backup from the update to 16.0.1, and I fearlessly removed the check from the 16.0.2 update to save time. That is my fault. Unfortunately, I had some new flows created, which are now… gone

Thank you so much!

can i also call that flow "thank_mfing_staedtler" ? :partying_face:

you saved me a lot of pain and work! THANK YOU
Next on my list will be checking how to save all of my flows with a real backup and creating real backups of ha.

kudos to @Staedtler !

no need to install samba addon.

backups can also be downloaded via the GUI - Settings / System / Backup - find your backup, don’t restore but download (via the 3dot-menu)


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Thank You, Thank You Thank You!
was so shocked when the flows were gone. Spend Days to create them.

It worked for me. Many thanks!

Tried your suggestion but not having any luck. Already had Samba but the tar thing is not working like you show it. Mine opens as an app and just wants me to extract it. Tried that and I’m not convinced it’s working properly as it does it in an instant and the result doesn’t contain much at all.
So, I did a restore using Settings/System/Backups/ selected my most recent large backup, selected Node-Red (15.0.0) and tried the restore. Now Node-Red won’t even run and the Node-Red folder (where I assume the flows should be) is still empty.
Then tried to restore the Folders/Local add-ons - still nothing in the Node-Red folder.
I seriously need some help.

Edit: Read on a similar desperate post on Facebook, that when restoring using Settings/System/Backups, having selected the most recent full backup, you need to check BOTH Node-Red AND Home Assistant before clicking restore. NB the restore can take a long time. Mine was about an hour!