Help i lost all my flows

Ok, this is how I solved it (no HA core backup restored or w/e):

Update node-red to 16.0.2

Install Samba addon.
Set password in samba

Go to a file explorer (windowskey+E) and enter in the search-bar \YOURHOMEASSISTANT_IP_ADDRESS

Enter the username & password you just set for samba

For me, this shows:

For me, I went to the “backup” folder, and looked for the latest .tar file (sort from new to old) that was larger than 10KB.

Open that folder

Open “configs”

Now you see this folder

Open the .flows.json.backup with a text-editor, and copy the contends (this is your node-red config!).

Save it to a new file - called “flows_backup_thank_mfing_god.json”

Now open Node-red in Homeassistant

import flows


I’m not 100% sure this is all latest changes, but I think it’s at least 98%

Hope this helped some1