Help installing Homeseer G8 Zwave device

Hello - I have been attempting to install a zwave smartstick on my system and have been unsuccessful. I started by trying my existing homeseer smartstick+ and when that did not work, I purchased a new Homeseer G8 stick and having the same issues. I am unable to see the device when I attempt to add the integration. the error i am receiving is “Not all required fields are filled in.” I do not know where I have find the details for the fields during installation. Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Some additional info on my setup:
I am running HA on a windows machine using virtualbox

Did you assign the USB device to your VM?

I was thinking the same but I can see it in the virtual box. Do I need to do anything else to make the associations between the USB ports and HA?

Post a screenshot of the VBox configuration for the USB device.

There shouldn’t be any other configuration needed. The USB device will need to be seen in the hardware settings (Settings → System → Hardware) before the integration/add-on can be installed.

Thank you Freshcoast!! I did some research on the VB and noticed that I did not add the USB permissions for the Zwave device to be connected to the VM. Once I added it as a filter, it showed up on the list and installed without issue. Now off to adding all the devices and start building the automations. Thank you again!

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