Help: Lovelace displaying as default view

I’m a bit of a newbie to hassio and i am having troubles with lovelace UI i did previously have love lace working but something went bad after updating and nothing would load. so i have rebuilt my installation . since starting from scratch lovelace only displays an identical screen to the default ui. and i can’t figure out why. i have use the mirgration tool as i did the 1st time and changed the cards to suit my needs but all i see is the standard screen despite the url reading /lovelace/default_view, changing the url to /lovelace/0 still shows the standard UI?

im on version .84.2

has anyone else come across this?

I’m having same issues on 0.84.2. Anyone know how to fix?

I’ve found this thread which may help Lovelace yaml mode in 0.84

have looked through that other thread and the lovelace breaking changes and non of the changes seem relevant to my config :frowning: may be I’m just going to have to start over again for the 4th time :frowning:

the other thing S*&ting me to tears is the endless errors regarding the MQTT rf bridge and my many RF sensors. I read you can remove the logging from the script , i must be an idiot because i cant find it anywhere in hassio.

just tried updating to .84.3 whole system went down no ssh , no samba access. fortunately it auto reverted to .84.2 when it was rebooted. For my physical setup i really dont have the luxury of directly hooking up a keyboard and screen, its really a shame that when home assistant goes down with hassio that it takes samba and ssh access with it. This isn’t an issue for my other Pi based servers running rasbian. IE i have one running zoneminder another doing some squid based tasks and i can’t recall ever losing SSH access to address problems as they arise on these servers.

I am having the exact same issue. I upgraded from 82.1 to 84.6 and am running HASSIO.

lovelace show the default view (although it appears to be in a “lovelace” form. The length of the cards is slightly different from the groups.yaml version. None of my lovelace views are showing.

The strange thing is, even if I bring back lovelace to the most elementary form it is not working one view with just one card.

Anybody any thoughts? My log is showing no lovelace issues.

To update my own post: I do get an error in the Chrome devtools console:

Uncaught (in promise) TypeError: Failed to execute 'fetch' on 'ServiceWorkerGlobalScope': 'only-if-cached' can be set only with 'same-origin' mode at Object.<anonymous> ( at (<anonymous>) at n ( at

Nevermind: the chrome message appears to be a chrome issue:

But the original problem is still there to be clear…

I can’t exactly picture what you’re describing. All I can recommend is that if you were previously editing the ui-lovelace.yaml in earlier versions, make sure you add this to configuration.yaml so HA will continue to use ui-lovelace.yaml. Without it, Lovelace defaults to a view that just shows all your entities, unorganized. This was a breaking change in HA 0.84

  mode: yaml
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Have you try to go to information page in dev tools menù and click on “remove lovelace as default page on this device” ?

Just to confirm. Thanks a lot dwinnn. You were correct. I missed that breaking change!

I’m scratching my head here. I’ve taken the usual updates and done nothing more. I’ve not run a migration utility or script. The “Lovelace” line (mode: yaml) has not been added to my configuration.yaml file and I do not have a ui-lovelace.yaml file. HOWEVER… my default UI is now '!!! This contains exactly the same info as my states UI. I’m lost and wondering where this is going wrong. Any ideas?

Lovelace is now the default view, if you don’t want that switch back to the states view. It’s on the info option from the sidebar menu.

I realise that but thanks. No, I guess my question is whether Lovelace is installed correctly? I cannot see how/where to edit the yaml and add cards etc. Where do I ‘put’ the code?

you should have a three dots menu at the top right of the page, in the header. Click there and you’ll see a menu. One of the options is configure UI. It’s part gui editor and part code.

If you want to do all code then add

   mode: yaml

to configuration.yaml and create a ui-lovelace.yaml file in the same folder.