Help me love HA - first (failing) automation, Daikin AC with BRP069B45

Normally I have no qualms helping new users, and I have helped hundreds, but I have made it a policy to avoid those whose very first post represents one or more of the following:

  • Is a rant.
  • Expresses more frustration than any useful information.
  • Threatens to give up.
  • Refuses to read documentation.
  • Unwilling to supply critical information.
  • Doesn’t comply with the guidelines in the FAQ.
  • Their failure is the fault of everything except them.

All I can offer is what I tell others in the same situation:

Home Assistant is for hobbyists and requires a sizeable investment of one’s time and effort. It’s not for casual users and so you may wish to consider selecting something else or redoubling efforts to learn it.

I wish you the best of luck!

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