Help needed using Enphase Envoy component


I’m new to Home Assistant.

I was able to install HA on macOS Mojave 10.14.5 fairly easily.

I was able to set up the Insteon component.

I was able to “install” the Enphase Envoy component (for solar inverter power generation monitoring), however I’m totally lost as to how to utilize it. I can see power production graphs in the History tab of HA’s web based GUI, so I know its configured and talking (the stats match what I can directly pull from the Envoy myself).

Where I get lost is trying to do something as simple as adding a “Gauge” or “Sensor” to the Overview page on the UI showing production.

What do I enter for the “Entity” field?

How do I reference the various “monitored conditions”?

Here is how I configured the Enphase Envoy in configuration.yaml:

  - platform: enphase_envoy
      - production
      - daily_production
      - seven_days_production
      - lifetime_production

Many thanks to those willing to help this noob!


Your configuration should give you 4 new sensors:

  • sensor.envoy_current_energy_production
  • sensor.envoy_today_s_energy_production
  • sensor.envoy_last_seven_days_energy_production
  • sensor.envoy_lifetime_energy_production

You should be able to find them in the Developer tools -> States.

To add them to your UI, start simple and add them to an entities card.
For a more advanced UI widget, and assuming that your Envoy can also supply energy consumption, have a look at the Power Wheel Card, and my recommendation on configuring this with an Envoy-S.

i plot the power … you also need to look at net demand at the meter to get the whole picture … i use a rainforest eagle-200 gateway that connects to my power meter (via zigbee) check with your utility company to see if their meter supports a monitor gateway such as rainforest a rainforest EMU-2 works as well but needs a custom_component which i use as well

  - type: history-graph
    title: 'Monte Verde Power (kW)'
    hours_to_show: 24
    refresh_interval: 60
      - entity: sensor.solar_production
        name: Current Energy Production
      - entity: sensor.instantaneous_demand
        name: Net Power Demand
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Thank you exxamalte,

I don’t see the 4 new sensors in the Developer tools -> States page. I see many other sensors (e.g., all of my Insteon). This is my first clue as to something being amiss.

I’m perpelexed as to why I can see the current power output (W) and production (Wh) graphs in the History page (see the attached graph at the bottom) but not see them in the States view.

Here is the entirety of my configuration.yaml in the hopes that I’ve made a silly mistake (out of order, re-defintion, etc.) I should note that all four !include files are the default empty files.

  # Name of the location where Home Assistant is running
  name: Home
  # Location required to calculate the time the sun rises and sets
  latitude: <redacted>
  longitude: <redacted>
  # Impacts weather/sunrise data (altitude above sea level in meters)
  elevation: 0
  # metric for Metric, imperial for Imperial
  unit_system: imperial
  # Pick yours from here:
  time_zone: America/Los_Angeles
  # Customization file
  customize: !include customize.yaml

  default: warn
    insteonplm: debug
    homeassistant.components.insteon_plm: debug
# Configure a default setup of Home Assistant (frontend, api, etc)

# Uncomment this if you are using SSL/TLS, running in Docker container, etc.
# http:
#   base_url:

# Discover some devices automatically
      - sonos

# Sensors
  - platform: enphase_envoy
    name: "Envoy"
      - production
      - daily_production
      - seven_days_production
      - lifetime_production

# Hub 2245 configuration variables
  ip_port: 25105
  username: <redacted>
  password: <redacted>
  hub_version: 2

# Text to speech
  - platform: google_translate

group: !include groups.yaml
automation: !include automations.yaml
script: !include scripts.yaml

Thank you all for your help!

John Bernstein


Thank you for your reply regarding power import.

I do have a rainforest eagle. My intention is to “connect” it to HA after I get my Enphase Envoy operational with HA.

I appreciate you sharing your history-graph. That will help me greatly in my next steps with HA. I may hit you up for a look at your custom_component.

Best regards,
John Bernstein

That’s odd. And is there any entity on that page that looks like being related to your Envoy? Otherwise I couldn’t explain why the sensors show up in your history.

That graph however shows that not only the production sensors show up, but also the consumption sensors. As if the monitored_conditions list is ignored.

Does your Envoy device support electricity consumption data, too? If so, you can just remove the monitored_conditions list, and see if that works.
Also, in your full configuration I can see that you added name: "Envoy". This option is not used by the Envoy integration. Not sure if this could potentially break the configuration, but this name is not used anywhere, and can be removed.

Nothing shows up in the States page referencing envoy nor enphase. I only see my Insteon and a few other media devices (e.g., AppleTV).

I do have an Envoy S, which supports consumption data, however it is not installed next to the mains, so I can’t utilize that function.

I removed the name: and the monitored_conditions from the configuration, restarted HA, alas the missing sensors persists.

Any other tips on hunting this down and debugging my configuration?

Best regards,
John Bernstein

Well, the only other thing I can recommend at this stage is to have a look into the HA log file. If something goes wrong during the setup of this platform or during the regular updates, I would hope to find some error messages there.

I think I found my problem… and I’m a little embarassed to admit this…

I somehow managed to have a detached hass process running (i.e., not associated with a TTY). This is odd because I always manually started hass from a terminal prompt. Once I killed the detached process and restarted hass, I can now see in the States page sensor.envoy_* sensors.

I’ll post another reply tonight after I tinker more with this and confirm that things are working better for me.

Many thanks to the folks on the forum for their kind replies and suggestions!

Best regards,
John Bernstein

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Confirming what my problem was: My problem was multiple hass instances running becuase one had become detached and I didn’t notice it.

All is working nicely.

Thanks again!