Help needed with test of OpenZWave Beta 1.6

another question…

I found out that all the battery powered PIRs are in probe stage and looses their node name after I reboot the host. In need to awake them with the physical button to reuse them.

Is this normal behaviour or can i prevent this?

After a reboot all battery powered nodes have to “wake up” to finish querying them, there is a wake up interval set in their options. To save battery most devices are set to wake up every 12 hours or even longer. You shouldn’t rename devices through the OZW Admin panel, because losing the cache file (or corruption) means your devices will be rediscovered with new entity IDs, thus breaking any automations/scripts/etc.

ok that makes sense. But why don’t I have to wake up those nodes when using the zwave integration off homeassistant? Is this because the OZW integration is still in beta?

Due to the zwcfg_xxxx.xml cache file.

Nope anytime you lose the cache file you’ll have to wake up battery nodes to get them to finish the interview OR just let them check-in on their own.