I suppose it would be easier to just compare the minutes, that probably can be done by extracting the minutes part of the srtring than turning it into integers and doing the math. Hower this will fail if the bus leaves lets say 12:05 and it is 11:59 …
still puzzled by why {{as_timestamp( strptime( now().strftime("%H:%M"), "%H:%M" ) )}} comes up empty.
Maybe this has to do with some kind of locale setting or the platform. I’m using hassbian on a raspberry pi. This is my locale:
That I’m not sure of, I’m running a manual install on my OS X server so no experience with the rpi. If you break it apart does any part of the nesting resolve in the template viewer?
The problem I am having is getting an automation from here to evaluate true. I have tried simply setting {{ as_timestamp(states.sensor.go_get_kids.state) | timestamp_custom("%H:%M") == as_timestamp(now()) | timestamp_custom("%H:%M") }} as a template trigger like this:
I then tried to create a binary sensor but that failed as well. If anyone can figure that out, we can piece together the other pieces to make this type of time templating possible.
You might try to create a new sensor to include the date on top of your bus sensor.
something like this: {{now().strftime("%Y") }}-{{now().strftime("%m") }}-{{now().strftime("%d") }} {{ states.sensor.bus.state }}
Then try to work through how to alert based off of that. That’s where I am failing so I don’t have any recommendations there unfortunately.