Help on Calendar Event

Can somebody help me please. I need to add an alert on a specific date/time and announce a notification on the speaker:

At 6:30 AM on 22-Sep-2022  <===== how do I do this???
  - service: tts.say 
      entity_id: media_player.693_speaker
      message: "Reminder: bring Hydo to Hyundai service for her first maintenance schedule".

Thanks in advance.

Create a Date/Time Helper and enter that date and time and use the helper as your trigger.

Thanks. I think I am not sure how to create the Date/Time Helper but I found a way to trigger the reminder. I created a schedule in Simple Scheduler to call the script that I created to do the tts.say at the date/time I wanted the notification to come on.

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Easily done with a Time Trigger and Template Condition. No helpers or custom components required.

alias: example
  - platform: time
    at: '06:30:00'
  - "{{ now().date() | string == '2022-09-22' }}"
  - service: tts.say 
      entity_id: media_player.693_speaker
      message: "Reminder: bring Hydo to Hyundai service for her first maintenance schedule".

Or you can create a schedule entity and then the automation is reduced to this:

alias: example
  - platform: state
    entity_id: schedule.car_maintenance
    to: 'on'
condition: []
  - service: tts.say 
      entity_id: media_player.693_speaker
      message: "Reminder: bring Hydo to Hyundai service for her first maintenance schedule".

Taras, thank you. I tried to create an Automation with the Time trigger but there was no way to enter date in the Condition part of the UI so I opted for the “Simple Scheduler”, which I have to delete after the schedule because it will recur on the next Thursday(s).

I will try to Yaml code. Is that first section in automations.yaml?

Thanks agaain.

  1. Using the visual Automation Editor, create a new blank automation.
  2. Go to the editor’s upper right hand corner and click the overflow menu (three vertical dots).
  3. Select ‘Edit in YAML’.
  4. Erase whatever is displayed in the editing window and replace it with the example I posted above.
  5. Change the value of alias to whatever you want to call the automation.
  6. Click the Save button.

Perfect! Thank you.

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You’re welcome!

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Got it. Thanks.