Help Please ! All My Automations Are Gone ! Completly Dissappear Without Trace

Could Any Avalible Member Of This Great Community The Home Assistant Family Help Me Out To Figure This Out Please !
All My Automations Are Gone !
All The Automations i Created Since I Started using Home Assistant…
I Honestly Dont Know What , When or How That Happened, Just Noticed That None of My 52 Automations were Triggering or Firing Up

I Dont Know How Or WhenThat Happened, First Noticed Some Of My Automations Stop Firing Up as They were Supposed To , Some Were Supposed To Fire UP or Triggered By Action & Reactions And Some just By Scheduled

Then When Opened My Home Assistan Green OS App Looking For Logs ,Errors Fixes or Updates Needed , I Noticed All My Automations were Gone Completly Vanished , Wipe Out Without Any Trace , Without Any Reason or at Least A Logical Explanation ’ like when The installation of a New Device Cause you Issues or a ,System Upgrade is needed or a System Crash or any error Log Caused by a Failure

Now When I Open The Automations Section Is in Blank , Completly Empty like Nothing was there Before like Nothing Never were There or Existed Before or Nothing Ever Were Made There Ever or Created , Now Instead is Asking Me To Start Automating a New Automation All Over Again …
Like When I Started For The First Time…

I had Done My Homework With All The Propper Searchs & Researchs on this Topic , But Not Luck Havent Found Much ! Yet,

Im Total Newbie , Learning As Much I Can , Considering all The Limitations I Have , Caused by My Advance Age and The Declining Of My Mental Accuracy and Phisical Abilities Disabilities…

I’M a 76 Years Old Disabled & Handycap ( PROUD ) Vietnam Vet Trying To Improve My Life Using Automations To Build and Create My Very Own Smart Home Using The Best Technology Can Offer !

My Biggest Apologies to you all for all My Grammar Errors & Horrors …and Maybe ! My Lack of Sense Explaining Or Expressing My Self and My Situation!

Any Help Will Be Greatly Apreciated !
Thank You ! Vey Much in Advance…

Mr . R.S.M
WO- USAF-VWVET :military_helmet: :wheelchair:
Peace​:peace_symbol::v:& :heart_hands: :heart: y’all…

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Hi. First I would check the logs. I think maybe there is an error in your configuration.yaml. Most likely the automations are still there in automations.yaml, but there is just stopping something Home Assistant from loading them.

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Hi Richard Salazar,

Thank You for Your Service.

I Would Consider Restoring a backup to Recover. That Would be Easier than Fishing thru the automations.yaml file for Problems.
Also Make Sure you are not in SAFE MODE due to a Booting issue. That Would also make Things run ODD.

There Are TIPS & TRICKS in This Post That Might Yelp With Searching, Booting Problems, & Other Things. Check it Out.

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First I’d recommend you asses and stabilize what you have, before doing anything which could cause anything to become overwritten or erased.

Do you ever make a backup file? If so, your old automations.yaml file is in there. You want to make sure a copy of that backup file is saved somewhere you can easily retrieve it. Next you will want to preserve a copy of the automations.yaml file which is currently being used by HA, again, somewhere safe where you can review it, edit it, and if necessary, copy it back to HA.

Assuming those aren’t empty files, or totally missing, the automations.yaml file might have a syntax error. If you run Developer Tools / YAML / Check Configuration, that should let you know if that’s the case.

If the file is totally missing from HA, then you’ll need to go back through your old backup files to find the most recent one you still have. Copy it out of the .tar file and review it. If it looks good, copy it to the HA “config” directory and then run the Check Configuration again.

One more thing which applies any time you “lose” a file: Look around. Maybe you accidently renamed it, or moved it to another folder by accidently clicking the mouse over it and dragging it somewhere. You’d be amazed how many users I’ve helped who did exactly that.

Good luck, and thank you for your service! Let us know if you need help with any of these steps.

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